• There are five types of subsidized fertilizers, namely ZA fertilizer, Urea, SP-36, NPK Phonska, and Petroganik organic fertilizer.
  • To distinguish it, specifically for the subsidized fertilizer bag, there is the words "Government Subsidized Fertilizer, Goods Under Supervision".
  • To obtain subsidized fertilizer, farmers must join a farmer group, compile an E-RDKK (Electronic Definitive Plan for Group Needs), cultivate a land area of at most 2 hectares or 1 hectare for farmers (Permentan No.49 of 2020).
How to purchase subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizer, also use the service of Petrokimia Gresik, both for individual or corporate?
  • Purchases in large quantities (at least 50 tons quantum, especially ZK at least 30 tons) please contact the Marketing.
  • For purchases below the quantum above or retail, you can visit the Petromart outlet, Sidamarket (online marketplace), or the nearest agricultural shop / kiosk.
How to get Services?How is the application cooperation procedure of demonstration plot for agricultural commodity product application test?

Submission of a product application test demonstration plot must meet the following requirements:

  1. Location Requirements
    1. The average land area is 0.5 ha for food crops /plantations and 0.1 ha for horticulture.
    2. Located on a fairly wide expanse as a comparison to the demonstration plot.
    3. Strategic location.
    4. Sufficient irrigation facilities to avoid drought or flooding.
    5. Not a pest/disease endemic area.
  2. Demonstrator Requirements
    1. Joined a farmer group or Gapoktan.
    2. Willing to follow PT Petrokimia Gresik's recommendation for fertilization.
    3. Prioritized farmers who have influence (mainstay farmers).
    4. Able and willing to distribute fertilizer recommendations and demonstration plot results to local farmers.

For further requirements please contact the Marketing

I found an incompatibility to the product of Petrokimia Gresik, where I have to report it?

To submit and find solutions to customer complaints, please contact the Marketing.

What is the role of Petrokimia Gresik in distributing subsidized fertilizer and why there is frequent scarcity of fertilizers ?

Petrokimia Gresik is responsible for the procurement, distribution and supply of subsidized fertilizer stocks according to government regulations, namely the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) to the Decree of the Provincial/Regency/City Agriculture Service.

Every year, the proposed amount of subsidized fertilizer for farmers is very large. These needs cannot be fully met due to the limitations of the state budget.

If there is an issue of rare subsidized fertilizers, the community needs to look deeper, such as the need to know whether the allocation of subsidized fertilizers is still available, whether farmers have joined farmer groups, whether farmers already have a Farmer's Card and compile E-RDKK, and various other factors.

To be able to join a farmer group, compile an E-RDKK, and have a Farmer Card, farmers can contact a Field Extension Officer from the local Agriculture Service.

How to become the Distributor of Petrokimia Gresik?

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 15 of 2013, the requirements to become a distributor of subsidized fertilizers are:

  • Work in general trading business.
  • Legal entity and have a company deed.
  • Has an office and an active management in carrying out trading business activities at their domicile.
  • Fulfill the general requirements for conducting trading activities, namely Trading Business Permit, Company Registration Certificate and Warehousing Business Place Permit and Tax ID Number.
  • Owning and or controlling warehouse and transportation means that can ensure the smooth distribution of Subsidized Fertilizer in the area of ​​responsibility.
  • Having a distribution network as evidenced by having at least 2 (two) retailers in each district or village in the area of ​​responsibility.
  • Recommendation from the local Regency or City Agency which in charge of trade for the appointment of a new distributor.
  • Has sufficient capital in accordance with the provisions required by the producer.

For further requirements please contact Marketing.

How is the procedure to be subsidized Official stalls?

Have Trading Business Permit, Company Registration Certificate, Tax ID Number, sufficient capital, etc. Those requirements are submitted to the local official distributor, because the appointment of subsidized official stalls is the authority of distributor.

How to become a Petrokimia Gresik’s partner?

To become the partner of Petrokimia Gresik, the applicants register online at eproc.pupuk-indonesia.com/registration

How to know recruitment, and where I have to confirm the recruitment test call from Petrokimia Gresik?

Information regarding job vacancies and the entire recruitment process for prospective employees is carried out online via https://recruitment.petrokimia.com The recruitment process is free of charge and the company does not cooperate with any travel parties.

To confirm the correctness of the test call and information related to recruitment, please contact the Petrokimia Gresik Recruitment Department. Tel. 031-3981811-14, 031-3982100, 031-3982200

How the provision for Visits or Benchmark to Petrokimia Gresik?

Send a letter of request for a visit which is addressed to the VP of Corporate Communications to the address of the Head Office of PT Petrokimia Gresik Jl. A. Yani, Kebomas, Gresik, 61119 or to the email address: pg@petrokimia-gresik.com.

How is the procedure to join Petro Scholarship (Bestro) Program?

For now the Bestro program is still intended for schools around the company. The main requirements are that they come from underprivileged families, have achievements, and are able to meet other requirements. Meanwhile, the technical registration will be coordinated by each school.

How do I apply for a grant or sponsorship?

Please send letters and proposals for funding or sponsorship requests to the Board of Directors/CSR Department/Corporate Communications Department to the Head Office address of PT Petrokimia Gresik Jl. A. Yani, Kebomas, Gresik, 61119 or to the email address pg@petrokimia-gresik.com