Implementation of the Business Ethics and Work Ethics Guidelines (PEBK)

To ensure the enforcement of the Company's Business & Work Ethics Guidelines, all company’s personnel are committed to carrying out the company's operations by implementing the code of ethics commitment. This commitment is realized in :

  1. Statement of Compliance with the Code of Ethics
    All Company personnel must comply with and commit to the Business & Work Ethics Guidelines by stating their commitment in the “Statement of Compliance with “Business & Work Ethics Guidelines” every year.
  2. Anti-Fraud Commitment
    All Company Personnel must commit to Anti Fraud by stating the “Anti Fraud” commitment annually which is also one of the key performance indicators of employees.
  3. Anti Gratification Commitment and Gratification Declaration
    1. All Company personnel are committed not to accept, not to request, and not to give Gratification in connection with their obligations and/or responsibilities.
    2. The Board of Commissioners and Organs, Board of Directors, Grade I Officials and Grade II Officials are required to sign the Anti-Gratification Commitment annually.
    3. All Company personnel must declare Gratuities received or not received annually.
  4. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
    All Company Personnel must declare Conflict of Interest annually.
  5. Integrity Pact
    The signing of the Integrity Pact is carried out in the procurement process of goods and services in the Company.
  6. Whistle-Blowing Management System (WBMS)
    All violations of the Code of Ethics are reported through the Whistle Blowing Management System/WBMS mechanism. If the results of the investigation regarding violations of the Code of Ethics are proven, sanctions will be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the Company's disciplinary violations.

Update, 24/09/24

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