Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture


A Dominant Global Player in Integrated Agrosolution and Industrial Chemicals


  1. Support the provision of national fertilizer to achieve food security
  2. Build innovation culture and supreme technology through agile and resilient human capital in order to create effective and efficient business processes
  3. Increase contribution to national chemical industry growth and play an active role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals


1. Mandate

- Definition: Uphold the trust given

- Code of Conduct:

  • Fulfill promises and commitments
  • Responsible for tasks, decisions and actions that are taken
  • Stick to moral and ethical values

2. Competence

- Definition: Continuously learning and developing capabilities

- Code of Conduct:

  • Improve self-competence to respond the challenges that always change
  • Helping others to learn something
  • complete tasks with the highest quality

3. Harmonious

- Definition: Caring for each other and respecting differences

- Code of Conduct:

  • Respecting everyone regardless of background
  • Loves to help others
  • Build a work environment conducive

4. Loyal

- Definition: Dedicated and prioritizing the interests of the Nation and the State

- Code of Conduct:

  • Maintaining the good name of fellow employees, leaders, SOEs and the State
  • Willing to sacrifice to achieve greater goals
  • Obey the leadership as long as it does not contradict with law and ethics

5. Adaptive

- Definition: Continue to do innovation and enthusiastic in driving or dealing with change

- Code of Conduct:

  • Quickly adaptive to be better
  • Continuously make improvements following technological developments
  • Acting proactively

6. Collaborative

- Definition: Building synergistic cooperation

- Code of Conduct:

  • Providing opportunities for various parties to contribute
  • Very open in working together to generate added value
  • Mobilizing the use of various resources for common goals

The acronym of PT Petrokimia Gresik’s Values is AKHLAK, with an acronym formation process as follows:

Amanah (Mandate)

Kompeten (Competence)

Harmonis (Harmonius)

Loyal (Loyal)

Adaptif (Adaptive)

Kolaboratif (Collaborative)

updated 170724