Manual of Implementation

Manual of Implementation

As a company which consistently implement the GCG, PT Petrokimia Gresik periodically reviewing and updating GCG tools (soft structure), this is aims to ensure the suitability with Roadmap GCG and regulation in order to make it relevant with the times.

Soft structure is consisting of GCG implementation guideline which become the main policy of company, Manual Board which consist of Board Policy Manual and Corporate Policy Manual, Guideline of Business and Work Ethics (PEBK/Code of Conduct), Board of Commissioners Supporting Committee Guidelines and other Guidelines.

Besides having a GCG, in controlling the good corporate governance, also reviewing and updating all procedure and standard which underlie the corporate’s operational that are spread in all work units, this is in order to fulfill the aspect of compliance to always conformance and compliance to the regulations.

As the form of implementation about the clarity of functions, rights, obligations and responsibilities of the company’s organ (GCG Infrastructure), the GCG (Soft Structure) Tool has been compiled, as follows:

Soft Structure

Business & Work Ethics Guidelines (Code of Conduct)

Manual Board consist from :

  • Board Policy Manual
  • Corporate Policy Manual

Committee Charter

Internal Audit Charter

Integrated Risk Management Guidelines

Gratification Control Guidelines

Guidelines for Handling Conflicts of Interest

Guidelines of State Assets Report

Guidelines of Whistle Blowing System (WBS)

Integrated Management System of Petrokimia Gresik

  • Guidelines (PD)
  • Procedure (PR)
  • Work Instructions (IK)

updated, 1204

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