Interpreting Eid al-Fitr: More Than Just a Moment to Celebrate Victory

22 April 2023 13:42 / Corcom of PG / 2763x viewed

After fasting during Ramadan, Shawwal becomes a momentum to celebrate victory for Muslims around the world. Eid al-Fitr is a moment of celebration for Muslims to enjoy victory over what has been fought for during Ramadan. In addition to the celebration of victory, there are also other meanings in the celebration which is a sacred moment for Muslims around the world.

When fasting, we are not only required not to eat, not to drink, and not to do other things that will break the fast. More than that, fasting accustom us to forming new habits. Fasting for a whole month trains you to form a new habit, namely the habit of limiting yourself.

In 1960, Maxwell Maltz, an American cosmetic surgeon published a book called "Psycho-Cybernetics". In his book, he explains that on average a person changing old habits (habits) to new habits takes 21 days. This is proven through the confession of his patients when doing plastic surgery. According to them, it took 21 days to 'get used to' with his new face. In the same book, Maltz also concludes patients who undergo amputations. As a result, it takes about three weeks for them to get used to and adapt to new circumstances.

Then in 2009, Phillippa Lally, a health psychologist also conducted a study aimed at finding out the time it takes to form a new habit. From 96 participants, it was concluded that new habits will be formed over 18 to 254 days. He added that on average, it takes about 66 days for an individual to form a new habit. Through these two explanations, it can be concluded that new habits can be formed for at least 18 days or three weeks.

Now, let's go back to the previous discussion. For one month, we are accustomed to not eating and not drinking if not in time. For one month, we are accustomed to eating twice, namely at suhoor and iftar. Interestingly, there is an implied meaning that during Ramadan, we are accustomed not to overeating. If usually, we can eat three times or even more, for one month we are accustomed to reducing the frequency of eating.

In addition to fasting, during Ramadan, we are also accustomed to doing positive activities more often. There are so many religious activities that aim to enliven the mosque such as afternoon studies, One Day One Juz, iktikaf, and other positive activities. Not infrequently, during Ramadan we will see a lot of people or communities who carry out social actions such as sharing takjil or food on the roadside.

Therefore, Ramadan is not only a place to worship but also a momentum to improve yourself with the formation of various new habits. Through habituation carried out for approximately one month, Muslims will be able to become strong people to refrain from various negative things and become a person who remains consistent in doing good.

Similarly, the moment of Eid al-Fitr is not only a forum for friendship on the day of victory but also a reminder that we can still carry out various good habits that have been lived during Ramadan.

May we all be able to interpret Eid al-Fitr well and celebrate it with joy. That way, the celebration of Eid al-Fitr can be by its original meaning, which is to be reborn as a better person. (*ZAH/FMS/WIL)