Through Innovation, Petrokimia Gresik Saves 131.7 Billion Rupiahs

24 April 2019 00:00 / PG Public Relation / 6883x viewed



Event : Petrokimia Gresik Innovation Convention (KIPG) XXXIII

Location : Gresik

Day/Date : Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), again held Petrokimia Gresik Innovation Convention (KIPG) and Petrokimia Gresik Innovation Expo (PGIE) XXXIII in Gresik, Wednesday (24/4). The theme of this year's KIPG & PGIE was "Build Innovation Culture to Achieve Business Transformation".

Presented speaker was Dayu Dara Permata (29 years), millennial generation who served as Senior GO-JEK Vice President and co-founder of GO-LIFE since 2015. Dayu Dara talked about how innovation was able to bring GO-JEK into the first Indonesian startup company won the Unicorn title (valuation of more than US$ 1 billion) in 2017 and has just risen the title to become Decacorn (valuation of more than US$ 10 billion) in 2019.

PG President Director, Rahmad Pribadi, stated that the purpose of KIPG event was as a way to convey the successful innovation stories (knowledge sharing), as well as the event award to innovation groups who excel in the period 2018-2019.

"This activity is primarily to encourage Petrokimia Gresik, especially millennials, to think creatively and innovatively. Since the company needs breakthroughs in business transformation program to realize itself as a company with a solution for agroindustry", Rahmad said.

This activity, Rahmad continued, also aimed to strengthen the tradition of innovation in the company. Through such this programme, the company had made many improvements and excellences, both in terms of product quality, business processes, optimization of technology, services, organizations, and so on.

"And the most important thing is how innovation can provide added value, that is through the effectiveness and efficiency of production costs and company operations", said Rahmad.

As for the added value mentioned was the amount of savings realization based on the company's internal verification recorded to reach 131.7 billion rupiahs (direct value creation real: savings that contribute to profits). This efficiency amount came from the activities results of 1,175 innovation groups at Petrokimia Gresik during 2018-2019.

"This is a real form of efficiency we are doing to improve competitiveness. While the savings amount that appears can be used to develop and strengthen the company's business structure", Rahmad added.

Besides PG, there were 9 PG Group companies sending their 17 best innovation groups during this event. They were PT Petrosida Gresik, PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika (AJG), PT Petro Graha Medika, PT Gresik Cipta Sejahtera (GCS), PT Petrokimia Kayaku, PT Petrokopindo Cipta Selaras (PCS), PT Graha Sarana Gresik (GSG), PT Gresik Industrial Estate (KIG), and Cooperatives of Petrokimia Gresik Employees (K3PG).

2019 Petrokmia Gresik Innovation Expo (PGIE)

Meanwhile, in PGIE 2019, the event committee provided booths for PG innovators and PG Group subsidiaries to present their various innovative works to the visitors.

PGIE 2019 aimed to introduce the innovation results and was expected to be able to inspire other employees to contribute by making similar innovations in their respective units.

Go Digital

Unlike the previous years, KIPG & PGIE 2019 used the digital applications namely KIPG Apps able to be downloaded through Play Store and Apps Store. This application excluded printed invitations. Also, visitors could do many things during the event, started from registration, querying the speakers, downloading presentation materials, voting, and taking souvenirs and nourishment.

Success at National Level Innovation Event

Besides the internal appreciations, 11 PG innovation groups received appreciation in the prestigious national level event, namely the National Quality and Productivity Meeting (TKMPN) held on November 26-30 2018 in Batam City, Riau Islands.

In the event, PG innovation groups won 9 Platinum and 2 Gold medals. While PG Group subsidiaries won 1 Platinum (PT AJG), and 3 Gold (1 Gold by PT AJG and 2 Gold by PT Petrosida Gresik) medals.

Those mentioned various awards did not necessarily make the company satisfied. The company would strive to continually encourage employees to always think creatively and work innovatively. Since innovation is one of the company's culture.

"Think creative and innovative is the main thing to improve competitiveness and do business transformation. Especially to make ourselves as a company supporting the government food security program and becoming an agro-industry solution", Rahmad concluded.

PT Petrokimia Gresik

Yusuf Wibisono

Corporate Secretary

For further information contact:

Corporate Secretary: Yusuf Wibisono

Office: (031) 3981811, Ext. 2218

Mobile: 0811 378 571


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