Durian Harvest Increases Using Petrogladiator and NPK Kebomas 12-11-20

22 April 2019 00:00 / PG Public Relation / 9752x viewed

Compost repairs the soil structure by increasing its organic matter content. Besides, compost is also able to increase the soil’s ability to maintain its water content. Nowadays, there are many farmers have understood the important role of compost, therefore they apply it to their land.

Apart from those who buy compost in farm shops, few farmers make their own compost. However, it takes a relatively long time to make compost. To shorten the composting process, farmers usually use decomposter which can be purchased at various agricultural stores.

One of the farmers who have used decomposter is Wayan Sukrana, a durian farmer who lives in Selat Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency. Wayan claimed that since this year he has been applying Petrogladiator to speed up the composting process. Petrogladiator is a decomposter produced by PT Petrokimia Gresik.

"Petrogladiator makes the composting process faster. Within a week, the waste has become compost. The application is also quite easy. For 20 kgs of leaf wastes, it only needs liquid Petrogladiator as much as 10-20 ml/liter of water", he said.

The finished compost fertilizer was applied by Wayan by sprinkling it on his durian land. By applying his artificial compost, Wayan continued, vegetative and generative growth become faster.

"To fulfill nutrient needs, I applied NPK Kebomas 12-11-20, NPK fertilizer which is also produced by PT Petrokima Gresik, as much as 3 kgs/tree through sowing", he explained.

With this treatment, Wayan's durian tree produces an average of 30 fruits per tree. To monetize, he explained, each tree can make around 7 million rupiahs. Not only from the quantity of harvest, NPK Kebomas 12-11-20 also makes the quality of durian fruit increase.

"In the last harvest season, my durian fruit was rotten and the taste was not sweet. But after applying compost and NPK Kebomas 12-11-20, the plants are healthier, the appearance of the fruit looks attractive, and the taste is even sweeter", concluded Wayan Sukrana. (Fathkurochman Hidayatulah/Editor: Made Wirya)
