Planting Season Approaches, Petrokimia Gresik's Directors Visit Distributors & Kiosks to Ensure Fertilizer Stock Readiness

23 January 2024 15:45 / Corcom of PG / 1013x viewed

Petrokimia Gresik, an Agroindustrial Solutions company holding member of the Pupuk Indonesia, visited several distributors and kiosks in several regions in Indonesia to see the readiness of fertilizer stocks entering the planting season. Most recently, the President Director of Petrokimia Gresik, Dwi Satriyo Annurogo visited distributors and kiosks in Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Monday (1/22/2024).

In addition to Kebumen, Director of Finance and General Affairs, Robby Setiabudi Madjid on the same day also reviewed the readiness of kiosks in Bojonegoro, East Java. Meanwhile, previously, Director of Operations and Production, Digna Jatiningsih also visited several kiosks in Ngawi Regency, East Java.

"The planting season in some regions in Indonesia has been pushed back because the rainy season came later than previously forecast, so farmers who should have started planting, but only started now. Alhamdulillah, based on our monitoring in the regions, the company has prepared subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizer stocks to meet farmers' fertilizer needs," said Dwi Satriyo.

In Kebumen, Petrokimia Gresik prepared subsidized fertilizer stocks of 3,915 tons consisting of Urea 2,781 tons and NPK Phonska 1,134 tons. In addition, Petrokimia Gresik also prepared 510 tons of non-subsidized fertilizer which also consisted of Urea and NPK fertilizers.

"The stock of subsidized fertilizer exceeds the minimum requirements set by the government. The inventory that is currently in line III warehouses or districts/cities is safe to meet farmers' fertilizer needs for the next three weeks, "said Dwi


"Meanwhile, this non-subsidized fertilizer is a solution for farmers who have not been registered as recipients of subsidized fertilizer," he added.

As for subsidized fertilizer stocks in Bojonegoro, Petrokimia Gresik prepared subsidized fertilizer stocks of 8,936 tons consisting of Urea 5,607 tons and NPK Phonska 3,329 tons. For non-subsidized fertilizers, Petrokimia Gresik has prepared a stock of 415 tons of Urea and NPK fertilizers.

Finally, in Ngawi Regency, Petrokimia Gresik prepared subsidized fertilizer supplies with a total of 7,043 tons, including Urea as much as 4,196 tons and NPK Phonska 2,847 tons. As for non-subsidized fertilizers, Petrokimia Gresik prepared 524 tons of Urea and NPK.

"Almost the same readiness also exists in other districts/cities in Indonesia. This is also Petrokimia Gresik's support for the planting acceleration program initiated by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Andi Amran Sulaiman as an effort by the Government to increase agricultural productivity," he concluded.

January 23 Planting Season Approaches Petrokimia Gresiks Directors Visit Distributors Kiosks to Ensure Fertilizer Stock Readiness docx pdf 97 KB Download