Petrokimia Gresik Directors Inspect Warehouses & Kiosks in Majalengka to Ensure Fertilizer Stock Readiness

02 February 2024 08:41 / Corcom of PG / 1637x viewed

Dwi Satriyo Annurogo, President Director of Petrokimia Gresik, an Agroindustrial Solutions company member of the Pupuk Indonesia, visited warehouses and kiosks in Majalengka Regency, West Java, Thursday (1/2/2024). The visit to these areas is an effort by the company to ensure the readiness of subsidized fertilizer stocks entering the planting season.

Dwi Satriyo said that, until January 2024, Pupuk Indonesia Group has prepared subsidized fertilizer stocks in Majalengka by regulations, which is 5,978 tons. This figure is more than triple or equivalent to 361 percent of the minimum requirement set by the Government of 1,621 tons. The stock details are 5,499 tons of Urea and 479 NPK Phonska. This stock is safe to meet the fertilizer needs of Majalengka farmers for the next few weeks which are currently entering the planting season.

"The planting season in several regions in Indonesia has been pushed back, including in Majalengka because the rainy season came later than previously predicted, so farmers who should have started planting, but only started now. Alhamdulillah, based on our monitoring in Majalengka, the company has prepared subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizer stocks to meet farmers' fertilizer needs," said Dwi Satriyo.

He further added, that the readiness of this stock is also Petrokimia Gresik's support for the Planting Acceleration Program initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture to encourage national productivity, to maintain national food security. For this reason, he ensures that this subsidized fertilizer is distributed to farmers under the Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 10 of 2022.

Farmers who are entitled to subsidized fertilizers must join farmer groups, registered in the Agricultural Extension Management Information System (SIMLUHTAN), working on a maximum of two hectares of land. In addition, strategic commodities that are entitled to receive fertilizer subsidies include rice, corn, soybeans, chili, onions, garlic, coffee, sugarcane, and cocoa.

"For farmers who are not registered as recipients of subsidized fertilizers, Petrokimia Gresik has also prepared solutions through non-subsidized fertilizers. All of these fertilizers are also in Line III, Distributors, and Kiosks," said Dwi Satriyo.

Meanwhile, in the last few weeks, the Board of Directors of Petrokimia Gresik has also visited several regions in Indonesia, including Kebumen, Bojonegoro, and Ngawi.

"Almost the same readiness also exists in other districts/cities in Indonesia. We hope farmers can optimize these stocks to increase agricultural productivity," he concluded.

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