Petrokimia Gresik Contribution in Environmental Conservation

10 January 2023 17:38 / Corcom of PG / 3515x viewed

The national "One Million Tree Movement". This movement is a form of effort in realizing a fresh air, pleasant, and healthy ecosystem, and is included as part of the mission to save forests and preserve the environment. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the One Million Trees Movement was first initiated by President Soeharto on January 10, 1993. At that time, Soeharto invited all levels of Indonesian society to participate in the implementation of planting one million trees in the hope that this movement could be realized in each province.

As a company that cares about environmental conservation, Petrokimia Gresik contributes to the One Million Tree Movement through various agendas that have been implemented. It is noted that throughout 2022, Petrokimia Gresik has planted more than 5000 tree seedlings that are distributed to several points around the company. The details are as follows:

  • On June 14, 2022, Srikandi Petrokimia Gresik, who is a member of the Gresik Petrokimia Works Association, held a mangrove planting activity entitled "Women Care for the Earth, Save the Generation" at the Mengare Mangrove Restoration and Planting Center (PRPM), Tanjungwidoro Village, Bungah District, Gresik Regency.

  • Petrokimia Gresik provided assistance in the form of trees as many as 1,110 seedlings for the greening of gresik city forests and parks on August 4, 2022. The tree seedlings submitted included 200 gold rain seedlings, 50 red shoots, 10 dollars, 200 red trees, 400 lamtana trees, 50 longan trees, 100 crystal guavas, and 100 avocados.

  • As an effort to support the government's target in realizing Net-Zero Emission, Petrokimia Gresik planted as many as 4000 mangrove trees on the coastline around the company. This planting is packaged in a program entitled "Minimize Emission, Go Green, Save Our Earth" on Friday, September 16, 2022.

In addition to supporting the One Million Trees Movement, the activities carried out by Petrokimia Gresik are also a form of implementation of the company's Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program. Through various TJSL activities, Petrokimia Gresik as one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) also supports the government's efforts in greening to minimize the impact of environmental pollution and current global warming problems. Thanks to its consistency, Petrokimia Gresik managed to maintain PROPER EMAS which is the highest award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) RI in environmental management. */(ZAH/MIR/WA)