Petrokimia Gresik Collaborates With MSMEs Holds Training and Traditional Snacks Bazaar "LONTAR" in Effort to Developing Regional Potential Around The Company

06 April 2023 10:32 / Corcom of PG / 1931x viewed

Petrokimia Gresik, an Agroindustrial Solutions company and holding member of the Pupuk Indonesia in the moment of Ramadan and before Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri held training as well as a traditional snack bazaar entitled Lontar or Kelompok Jajanan Masyarakat Sekitar (Surrounding Community Food Group). The activity was opened directly by the VP of Corporate Communication of Petrokimia Gresik, Rama Yusron Harbiansyah represented the President Director on the east side of the Petrokimia Gresik Head Office Lobby, recently involving as many as 32 Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) around the company.

"This activity is a tangible manifestation of Petrokimia Gresik to empower and develop the potential of the community around the Company. Incidentally, in Gresik, especially around the company area, many housewives open traditional snack businesses, such as jenang jubung, bader eggs, salted porridge, and snacks as well as other drinks," said Rama.

Dozens of Lontar participants were a combination of PKK women and Sekar Mamamia (Mama Cadre School & Petrokimia Youth) around the company, including Roomo Village, Kel. Tlogopojok, Lumpur, Karangturi, Karangpoh, Sukorame, Kroman and Kel. Ngiplik. This activity will be held for two days, April 4 and 5, 2023.

"MSMEs now have a significant role as one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy with an independence outlook and have great potential to improve people's welfare, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. This Lontar activity is one of the efforts to restore the economy of the community around the company through MSMEs, which in addition to being a place to develop potential can also be a promotional medium So that products from the community around the company are widely known. Especially at this time during Ramadan, where every afternoon the people of Gresik, especially Muslims, many are looking for takjil to break their fast. The moment is very fitting," said Rama.

Before participating in this Lontar Bazaar, the participants had also received training on making various types of pastries. So that participants can develop their snack business to make it more attractive and in demand.

Meanwhile, this activity is one of the company's awareness programs for MSME actors. Since 1981, Petrokimia Gresik has been proactive in contributing to the development of MSMEs in Indonesia. And since 2021, the program has transformed into the Mitra Bangga program or familiarly known as "Mangga". In 2022, Petrokimia Gresik through the Mangga Program has helped 337 MSMEs spread across East Java, Central Java, D.I Yogyakarta, and surrounding areas, with revolving fund distribution reaching IDR 41.8 billion.

"According to the direction of the Minister of SOEs, Mr. Erick Thohir, the BUMN TJSL program must focus on three areas, one of which is MSME assistance," said Rama.

One of the participants, Christanty from Karangpoh Village, expressed her gratitude for the Lontar program organized by Petrokimia Gresik. This activity can foster new competencies for her who is a young housewife to make snacks. Christanty was more confident to open a traditional snack business after gaining a lot of knowledge from the Lontar training that had previously been given.

"I have received training from competent mentors before. I am now ready to open a traditional snack business. Hopefully, this program will be sustainable so that the same benefits are also received by other young housewives around the company," she said.

For information, through this Lontar program, Petrokimia Gresik provides comprehensive assistance. Having previously provided several baking pieces of training. Now for two days, a bazaar is held to showcase products made by participants.

"Petrokimia Gresik through this Lontar activity also wants to strengthen and even bring out the entrepreneurial spirit of mothers, and develop traditional snack businesses that have been running so that they can be more independent and able to provide support for family welfare," concluded Rama.

Petrokimia Gresik Collaborates With MSM Es Holds Training and Traditional Snacks Bazaar LONTAR in Effort to Developing Regional Potential Around The Company pdf 124 KB Download