Petrokimia Gresik's ‘Jemari’ Program Promotes Improved Health for Communities Surrounding the Company

21 October 2023 09:07 / Corcom of PG / 1843x viewed

Petrokimia Gresik, a member of the Pupuk Indonesia group and a leading Agroindustry Solutions company, organized a community event for the local community, particularly religious educators, through the "Jumat Sehat Bersama Guru Ngaji" (Jemari) or Healthy Friday with Religious Educators program in Gresik, East Java, recently. A total of 221 religious educators from the surrounding areas participated in the program, which included free health check-ups and education on Clean and Healthy Living (PHBS).

Dwi Satriyo Annurogo, President Director of Petrokimia Gresik, stated that the focus on religious educators in Gresik is because they play a significant role in building a future generation that is resilient and capable of facing challenges.

"For this reason, the health of religious educators must receive attention, so they can fulfill their duties in building the spiritual intelligence of their students optimally. Everyone agrees that without a healthy body, we cannot perform our duties to the maximum," emphasized Dwi Satriyo.

The Jemari program is a collaboration between Petrokimia Gresik, the Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ) Baznas Petrokimia Gresik, and Grha Husada Hospital. The services provided include general physical examinations, blood pressure measurements, weight measurements, mini medical check-ups, and health consultations. Additionally, the program also offers education sessions on various topics related to health, such as healthy eating habits, good exercise practices, stress management, disease prevention, and overall body health.

In his speech, Kadek Ardhika Widya Kresna, Vice President of CSR at Petrokimia Gresik, mentioned that the participants in this program are religious educators from Quranic Education Centers (TPQ) in eight urban and rural areas around the company. These areas include Kroman, Karangturi, and Karangpoh urban areas, as well as the Lumpur, Tlogopojok, Ngipik, Sukorame, and Roomo rural areas.

"Through this program, Petrokimia Gresik also aims to raise awareness of the health of religious educators as part of the education on clean and healthy living that will be passed on to families, the surrounding community, and, of course, their students," stated Kadek.

Agus Candra Hidayat, the Head of Karangpoh Subdistrict, who was present at the event, appreciated Petrokimia Gresik's concern for religious educators in the vicinity of the company. According to him, if the health of religious educators is maintained, it will also benefit their students.

"Religious educators also gain knowledge about maintaining health from seminars held within the Jemari program. With this, religious educators can keep their bodies healthy to carry out their duties of educating students effectively," he said.

Rahmawati, a religious educator from TPQ An-Nur in Kroman Urban Village, expressed gratitude for receiving free health check-up services and health seminars from Petrokimia Gresik. She emphasized that if religious educators are healthy, they can pass on their health knowledge to their students.

"Hopefully, this activity will continue so that we, as religious educators, can continue to monitor our health and gain more understanding of health," she concluded.

Lastly, Kadek added that Petrokimia Gresik's concern for religious educators in the surrounding area is not a one-time effort. Previously, the company also conducted seminars and workshops for 1,000 religious educators to enhance their knowledge, enabling them to be engaging educators and attract students to seek knowledge.

"May Petrokimia Gresik continue to provide more benefits for the realization of superior human resources for the nation, especially in Gresik," concluded Kadek.
