Gratuity Reporter Award

16 December 2019 16:14 / PG Public Relation / 6431x viewed

December 9, 2019 is a World Anti-Corruption Day or it is abbreviated as HAKORDIA. According to the letter form KPK RI number : B/9679/DKM.01/10-14/11/2019 November 19, 2019 regarding to “Surat Edaran Peringatan HAKORDIA 2019” conveyed that “on 2019, HAKORDIA will be implanted in KPK RI Building Jakarta on December 9, 2019 with limited invitation. According to the room capacity and carrying capacity in KPK Building which is could not accommodate exhibition and other event, KPK appealed to all ministry/institution to do the order which is in appropriate with the program and planned fiscal in each area/office.

Following up to the letter from KPK, in Fiscal Meeting which is held on December 16, 2019, given award to the compartment with the most gratuities reporter where gratuities report is one of indicator for integrated level. The higher of one's integrity, it means the higher of his/her caution and awareness is, which is realized in the form of rejection and reporting the gratuities. Joko Nugroho

The Gratuity Reporter Award is divided into 3 categories namely :

  1. Most Gratuities Reporting Compartments Categories Must Be Reported or Considered Bribery in 2015 – 2019
  2. Most Gratuity Reporting Compartments in the Official Category 2015 – 2019
  3. Nominal Cumulative Gratuities Reporting Compartment in 2015 – 2019