Becoming Fitri, Renewing Ourselves

25 June 2019 16:00 / PG Public Relation / 6100x viewed

Halal Bihalal Idul Fitri 1440 H between Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Employees of PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) took place on Tuesday morning (06/25/19) at Tri Dharma Multipurpose Building PG. PG President Director, Rahmad Pribadi, conveyed that the month of Shawwal was the best moment to do silaturahim, to forgive and pray for each other. It was hoped that this halal bihalal would not only be a ceremonial event of shaking hands and exchanging verbal apologies, but rather as an effort to erase each other's mistakes and all prejudices with sincerity and full-hearted.

"Month of Shawwal is a momentum to build more harmonious relationships, to enhance synergic cooperation, competence and superior performance to welcome a better future", said President Director

President Director also invited all PG employees to rise up, creating a new success through the implementation of business transformation programme towards a solution company for the industry.

PG President Commissioner, M. Djohan Safri said, this Idul Fitri momentum would make us all return to fitrah, and gain new strength and enthusiasm in working and innovating in PT Petrokimia Gresik.

This Halal bihalal themed "Becoming Fitri, Renewing Ourselves" tausiyah was delivered by Ustadz Dr. H. Saiful Jazil, MA from Sunan Ampel Surabaya State Islamic University. Hartono