Positive Contributions to the Company

28 November 2018 10:02 / PG Public Relation / 6379x viewed

The 17th Anniversary of Petrokimia Gresik Employee Wife Association (PIKPG) took place at Tri Dharma Building, November 27, 2018. The activities includes flashmob, fashion parade, choir, fan dance, kolintang, gymnastics, and parody.

In the event which was attended by Directors of Petrokimia Gresik (PG), Chief of PIKPG, Mrs. Rahmad Pribadi, also gave symbolic books to 10 reading parks in the Gresik area. The books collected from the PIKPG members are expected to be able to improve literacy culture and public interest in reading, so that their knowledge will be broader.

The President Director of PG, Rahmad Pribadi conveyed, the existence of PIKPG for PT Petrokimia Gresik could not be underestimated. Primarily in fostering members to become harmonious families, is a tangible manifestation of their contribution in supporting her husband's service for the sustainaible operation of the company.

Along with the company’s age, which has now reached 46 years, and the vast number of millennial employees, PIKPG must also be able to anticipate programs that are suitable for young families. The point is that PIKPG must conduct research as an adaptation in running the organization, because currently many PIKPG members are filled with millennials.

"It is hoped that PIKPG shall continue to exist and develop as a solid organization, and be able to carry out organizational activities well, and still be able to make a positive contribution to PT Petrokimia Gresik", the President Director said.

In its 17th anniversary, PIKPG carries the theme "Spreading Spirit and Inspiration to Realize Work and Creation". It is hoped that PIKPG continues to be creative with the latest inspirations, independent and always innovating. Hartono