BUMN 2019 Award, PG Won The Best Technology Innovation Category

29 March 2019 13:40 / PG Public Relation / 7071x viewed


The 8th BUMN Award in 2019


Event : The 2019 BUMN Award

Location : Jakarta

Day / Date : Thursday / March 28th, 2019

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), won the 2nd place in the prestigious national scale 2019 BUMN Award event, for this time, The Best BUMN Technology Innovation category.

PG Marketing Director, Meinu Sadariyo, stated that the award given by The Jury Board (chaired by Tanri Abang, Minister of BUMN during 98s – 99s) was due to series of company innovations. Especially in the field of technology, such as production process, distribution, utilisation of information technology, as well as research activities resulting to many product variants from upstream to downstream.

"We did innovation to yield a more effective and efficient production process, as well as creating more product variants from upstream to downstream. These are company efforts to be a fertiliser producer as solution for agro-industries", Meinu said.

The efforts to become a fertiliser producer as solution for agro-industries, Meinu continued, are through integrated innovations. Such as the implementation of several development projects to improve company operational efficiency.

The mentioned development projects are; Ammonia-Urea II plant to meet urea fertilizer demand in East Java and reduce ammonia imports, project of Inbag Warehouse with the capacity of 50 thousand tons to reduce the cost of warehouse rent, project of conveying system to increase port loading capabilities, and construction project of new ports to reduce Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR).

In terms of information technology utilisation, PG has implemented such as; Redemption and Product Distribution (SIP3) System for the realtime subsidized fertiliser redemption process (lowering receivables of 100 billion rupiahs per month), Marketing Monitoring System (Nisa) to monitor realtime product distribution, Online Transportation System (Sistro) to make transport distribution time more efficient (saving 4 billion rupiahs per year), Petro Balancing to ease the balancing process of rotating machines during maintenance (prevents production loses roughly 7 billion rupiahs), and many other digital applications which have been benefited.

The capability in technology was also shown through series of strategic innovations within recent years. Such as modifying the NPK fertiliser plant from pipe reactor to prenetraliser. Resulting to NPK fertiliser production capacity increased from 300 to 450 thousand tons per year (currently, PG has 8 NPK fertiliser plants with a total capacity of 2.7 million tons per year, the biggest in Indonesia), modifying the SP-36 fertiliser plant into a flexible plant which is able to produce NPK fertiliser. Through this production process innovation, PG managed to get 5 patents.

In addition, the company also optimises its energy utilisation in several plants, as well as sells the basic design of NPK fertiliser plants to other fertiliser producers in PT Pupuk Indonesia Group. This is a form of PG's support for the strategic efforts of PT Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company to create NPK Clusters in Indonesia to fulfil the increasing NPK fertiliser demands.

"Those strategic steps are our tactics in supporting the business transformation programme which is currently being promoted by Petrokimia Gresik President Director, Rahmad Pribadi. The main target is to be the fertiliser producer for agro-industry solutions", Meinu explained.

Meanwhile, in product research, PG has Research Center and Experimental Fields occupying an area of ​​6 hectares with complete research facilities. The company also diversifies its business and has more than 30 products from upstream to downstream. Starting from products of superior seeds, soil improvement products, single fertilisers, compound fertilisers, organic fertilisers, biological fertilizers, decomposers, probiotics, processed agricultural products, and pest control technologies.

"The products market domination from upstream to downstream is our effort to become the main player, or dominant player in Indonesia, especially in agriculture and agro-industry in general", Meinu concluded.

PT Petrokimia Gresik For further information contact:

Corporate Secretary: Yusuf Wibisono

Office: (031) 3981811

Ext. 2218

Mobile: 0811 378 571

Yusuf Wibisono Email: wibisono@petrokimia-gresik.com

Corporate Secretary yusufwibie@gmail.com

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