Petrokimia Gresik Empowers Gresik's Human Capital with Soft Skills Training for 75 Bestro Program Awardees at High School Level

17 January 2024 15:11 / Corcom of PG / 1163x viewed

Petrokimia Gresik, an Agroindustrial Solutions company holding member of the Pupuk Indonesia, provided soft skills training to 75 recipients of the Bestro Scholarship (BESTRO) batch 2021 to 2023 at the high school level. The training packaged in the "Welcoming Bestro" program was held in Gresik, East Java, recently.

President Director of Petrokimia Gresik, Dwi Satriyo Annurogo said that BESTRO is Petrokimia Gresik's commitment to outstanding children from around the company who come from underprivileged families. The hope is that they can take education to the highest level.

"With good access to education, it is expected to improve the quality of life of BESTRO recipients so that later welfare can increase. The graduates can also become superior and inspiring future Gresik leaders," said Dwi Satriyo.

BESTRO is an educational facility provided by Petrokimia Gresik comprehensively. Each recipient of BESTRO at the high school level receives educational operational costs of Rp750 thousand per month from grade 10 (ten) semester two to graduation. Meanwhile, in a year, Petrokimia Gresik distributed IDR 675 million to a total of 75 recipients.

In addition, the recipients also received training to prepare skills outside of academics. The soft skills training this time was attended by 75 BESTRO recipients from class 2021 to 2023, or classes X to XII. Welcoming Bestro participants came from 21 schools located in Gresik, Kebomas, Manyar, and Cerme sub-districts, or around the company.

"BESTRO recipients were also invited to tour the Petrokimia Gresik production area as part of introducing the company to the community. We also present competent speakers," he said.

Some soft skills material was given, including tips for getting into college, motivation, and sharing sessions. Then there were also BESTRO S1 recipients who shared scholarship tips.

One of the BESTRO recipients, Iklima Mufti Farida a student of Class XI MA Masyhudiyah, admitted that from this Welcoming Bestro activity, he gained a lot of knowledge outside of school. According to him, BESTRO activities can be a student facility to develop academic and non-academic abilities.

"We hope that this briefing will be sustainable, and routinely given by Petrokimia Gresik so that we will be more confident to hone our non-academic potential," he said.

Meanwhile, Petrokimia Gresik has distributed BESTRO at the high school level since 2014. In total, there have been 294 outstanding students from underprivileged families around the company who received BESTRO. The total budget spent by the company during the decade of BESTRO SMA reached Rp7.2 billion.

"In addition to providing quality agricultural products, Petrokimia Gresik is also committed to providing benefits to the surrounding community through education. We realize that to produce superior human resources who are resilient in facing challenges requires an active role from many parties. BESTRO is one of the best ways from Petrokimia Gresik," concluded Dwi Satriyo.

January 17 Petrokimia Gresik Empowers Gresiks Human Capital with Soft Skills Training for 75 Bestro Program Awardees at High School Level docx pdf 91 KB Download