Efforts to Create Excellent Human Resources

08 February 2019 08:24 / PG Public Relation / 8654x viewed

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) had a MoU with 6 (six) fostered vocational schools in East Java, along with Mutual Agreement the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia. The signing was carried out by PG Production Director, I Ketut Rusnaya, vocational school representatives, and Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Industry, Haris Munandar. This event took place at SIER, Surabaya, February 7th, 2019, and was witnessed by the Indonesian Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto.

This mutual agreement is one of PG’s determination to support government in creating excellent Indonesian human resources. This MoU of 6 (six) fostered vocational schools, was discussing about the willingness of Petrokimia Gresik to provide coaching and guidance to vocational schools in the form of competency-based vocational middle school development program that is linked and matched with the industries, which will be attended by vocational school students and teachers. In addition, PG also grants several educational support facilities, e.g. generators and experimental equipment to maximize the quality of vocational students learning process.

Meanwhile, the mutual agreement with the Ministry of Industry was discussing about the mutual work between Petrokimia Gresik and the Ministry of Industry in the implementation of D1 Program for the high schools/vocational schools graduated new employees at Petrokimia Gresik.

The efforts made by PG in improving the human resources quality are also intended to maximize the role of PG as a solution for industries in Indonesia, one of which is in the field of Agroindustry. Try Destriady / Hartono