Respond to Global Pandemic with Efforts and Pray

28 March 2020 17:39 / PG Public Relation / 8672x viewed

Corona Virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is virus that attack the respiratory system. Disease caused by infection of this virus is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause interference with the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), Covid-19 can be transmitted through people who have been infected with the corona virus. The disease can easily spread through tiny drops of nose or mouth when someone infected with this virus sneezes or coughs. Therefore, it is important to always apply the ethics of coughing and sneezing by covering the nose and mouth using a tissue or upper arm. For people who are sick it is advisable to use a mask to minimize the contagion to people around him. But we are still have to be wise in using mask, do not buy mask in much amount, then make the stock run out or cannot cover the needs of medical personnel who really need it. Viruses can enter through the mouth, nose and eyes with the media of hands that are very susceptible to touching dirty surfaces or even a place where the virus transferred. Therefore, the activity of washing hands with running water and soap for 20 seconds is the simplest solution in efforts to prevent this virus. However, if there is no running water available, you can use hand sanitizer liquid.

The easy spread of this virus causes the need for restrictions on human space or usually called social distancing. Social distancing is trying to limit physical contact between humans to minimize the occurrence of virus transfer from one person to another. Appeal to do activities inside the house by the Government or on social media with a hashtag at home (#dirumahaja) become a national campaign in this social distancing effort.

The government officially issued an appeal to the public to be able to limit activities outside the home, conduct self-quarantine by staying indoors. Religious activities in congregation were urged to be stopped temporarily, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many tourist attractions are closed to prevent the crowd or the public crowd, even many companies that implement the WFH (Work From Home) system for their employees.

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), as a #SolusiAgroindustri company, and a member of the Pupuk Indonesia holding company, implement similar actions. PG also implements various policies, and concrete steps as an effort to support and assist the Government in preventing the contagion of Covid-19.

The WFH system for employees is one of the efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 so that it does not become more widespread. Physical meetings are replaced with teleconference meetings, employee attendance is no longer using finger print but has gone through an online based application: PetroStar, which is equipped with GPS. Not only that, the company is cooperating with Petrokimia Gresik Hospital to check the body temperature of people who will enter the company's area, both for employees and others. PG also makes disinfectant chamber for anyone who will enter the office building and places disinfectant liquid in the form of hand sanitizers at several points in the company building that is frequently switched. Almost every room in the company is carried out spraying disinfectant in rotation. This all is done in order to minimize the spread of the virus by creating a cleaner and sterile environment.

As one of the subsidiary companies of SOE (Pupuk Indonesia) which is required to implement the Partnership and Community Development Program (PCDP), PG initiated several programs for the community around the company in anticipation of the spread of Covid-19. Since the Government established the Covid-19 pandemic as a National Disaster on Saturday (3/14/2020) by the President of Indonesia through the Head of National Disaster Management Agency, PG has allocated PCDP funds to participate in preventing the spread of the virus. One of them is giving disinfectant package consisting of carbolic acid, liquid soap and hand washing soap, hand sanitizer, and 1 (one) set of cleaning equipment. In collaboration with the Nurul Jannah Mosque officers, PG started the distribution of this aid to places of worship around the company, namely the mosque and church as one of the public spaces that are often used by the community.

Some sources claim that Covid-19 can heal itself by the immune system (immunity) owned by each human body. Death rates in various countries due to this virus are enough to cause fretting, but don't panic. Make the number of patients who recover as a race in the face of this pandemic. We have to believe, we are able to prevent contagion, we can maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle in daily activities.

Nowadays, we pray in our own homes, while there are no worshipers, it may feel strange, but it is a wise choice for the safety of the people together at a crucial time. Tomorrow hopefully the road to the place of worship will no longer be quiet, there is no longer a prohibition on going to the Mecca, or to any place of worship according to our beliefs.

Today let us unite, work together to maintain safety together, by always trying to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Always put your trust, and pray, ask God Almighty that this Corona will disappear soon, and change to a much better, happier. Ria Hermila