PG Holds Creative Class, Develops Regional Business Potentials

06 April 2019 21:51 / PG Public Relation / 5420x viewed


Petrokimia Gresik Collaborates with Campus and Millennial Generation


Event : BUMN Goes To Campus (BGTC)

Location : Semarang, Central Java

Day / Date : Saturday / April 6th, 2019

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), held a Creative Class in Diponegoro University (Undip) and Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus), Semarang, on Saturday (6/4). This activity was part of BUMN Goes to Campus programmes (BGTC) targeting the creative millennial generation in Central Java.

PG Public Relations Manager, Muhammad Ihwan, stated that BGTC was a form of BUMN Gift for The Country, as well as to celebrate the 21st anniversary of BUMN Ministry.

"The Ministry of BUMN sees the millennial generation great potential in creative industries. Through its companies, BUMN Ministry holds lightly packed yet intensive Creative Class programmes, as a form of BUMN contribution in developing the youth potential in various regions", said Ihwan.

During its execution, Ihwan continued, PG collaborated with the students of Communication Study Program and Faculty of Social and Politics (FISIP) of Undip and Faculty of Computer (FIK) Udinus, involving a total of more than 350 youths.

In Undip FISIP campus, there was one class themed "Kopi Gak Pakai Tapi" interviewing Adik Yusub, roaster of Robbery Coffee and Barista of Jendela Coffee Brewers.

Meanwhile, in Udinus campus, Creative Class took the theme "Creative Day: Millennial Start

Your Creative Moment" and opened five classes, those were Coffee Class, Chocolate Class, Florist Class, Water Hyacinth Class, and Mangrove Class. The speakers were; Faried Sudrajat, Semasa Coffee Headbar; Fenya, Manager of Gallerys Chocolate; Tenty Setyowati, owner of COFRE (Coup De Foundre); Bengok Craft Team; and Cahyadi Adi, owner of Batik Mangrove.

"All speakers are creative industry entrepreneurs who are experienced and very competent in their respective fields. They are here to share their success stories, motivations, as well as tips and tricks on running creative businesses", added Ihwan.

Meanwhile the Chairman of Communication Study Program, Udinus, Tyas Catur Pramudi stated that he was very supportive to this program, since it provided the opportunities, knowledge, and skills for young people, particularly Udinus students, to be brave and willing to go into the creative industry.

"Through these Creative Classes, millennial generation in Central Java is ready to compete, both locally and nationally", said Tyas Catur being optimistic.

Cahyadi Adi, owner of Batik Magrove, added that this program, besides providing required knowledge and skills, was also raising awareness of young people about the potential of their respective regions.

"Not only providing skills and preparing them in the creative industries, but also making them realize the local potential that exists, as well as able to give a touch of innovation with new and fresh ideas", Cahyadi said.

Furthermore, Ihwan added that in order to develop regional potential based creative industries, creativity is required to be shaped as early as possible. Because creative economy is one of the contributors to national economic growth, especially with e-commerce support that has been very popular in millennial generations.

"So this is a great potential that we need to maximize so that regional economy activities are running, to provide new jobs, and support the government efforts to increase local revenue”, Ihwan concluded.

PT Petrokimia Gresik

Muhammad Ihwan

Public Relations


For further information contact:

Public Relations Manager : Muhammad Ihwan

Office : (031) 398 2100, Ext. 2152
Mobile : 0812 8877 5758
Email :

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