Towards Sustainable Agriculture

13 March 2020 14:51 / Corcom of PG / 6810x viewed

Town Hall Meeting between Directors and Employees of PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) was held in Multipurpose Building Tri Dharma PG (12/03/2020). A forum to delivery interactive information and communication was presented a presentation about the achievement of PG performance in 2019, target and challenge of PG in 2020 by President Director of PG, Rahmad Pribadi.

In his presentation, Rahmad conveyed that challenge which is facing by Petrokimia Gresik and agroindustry sector in Indonesia, including the dependence on imports of raw materials by the fertilizer industry, the high prices of gas, farmers who are getting older, and agriculture land in Indonesia which is decrease, so that it has an impact on agriculture productivity.

Indonesia as an agriculture country, the agriculture management must be done better so that the national food security program can be realized. Rahmad Pribadi conveyed that Petrokimia Gresik as the holding member of PT Pupuk Indonesia commit to support Government in advancing the agriculture in Indonesia. “We are, together, unite for preparing the company as agroindustry solution for the future of agriculture in Indonesia,” Rahmad said.

As the continuity of business transformation program towards agroindustry solution program, Petrokimia Gresik in the future will reach sustainable agriculture. Supporting the sustainable agriculture, which is by doing diversification products, not only focus on non-organic fertilizer, but also organic and biodiversity.

Petrokimia Gresik also active to carry out Young Jamboree Farmer, Certified Internship Program, and Young Petro Developing Village. Those activities which involving millennial generation is an effort of Petrokimia Gresik helping the government to create agriculture regeneration, so agriculture in Indonesia sustain, and more advance.

In this Town Hall Meeting, Directors of PG was also launching new product, liquid organic fertilizer Phonska OCA which has function not only fertile the field, but also able to increase the productivity of plant. Phonska OCA is a new breakthrough from Petrokimia Gresik which combines compound fertilizer NPK with organic fertilizer.

On that occasion, the launch of the 48th PG anniversary logo was also carried out, with the theme "Leading Towards, Excellence and Sustainable Agriculture". Rahmad also handed over some compartments achievement with Best Performance in 2019, and MOVE FORWARD (Most Productive Sales Force Award).

According to Rahmad, every achievement must be appreciated, because this will be able to provide additional energy, and toughness in facing even more severe challenges. Hartono