Creating Competent and Character Human Resources

12 November 2018 13:15 / PG Public Relation / 7657x viewed

The opening ceremony of the Mental Development Course (Susbintal) for high school level prospective employees of PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) took place in Wisma Kebomas, November 12th, 2018. The opening was marked by the uniform-pinning by PG Security Manager, Dedy Mawardi to participant representatives. The Susbintal event which was attended by 124 prospective employees, PG collaborated with the Brimob Education Center (Pusdik) in Mojokerto.

PG Security Manager, Dedy Mawardi said that this programme is one among the Induction Programmes for prospective PG employees. As a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), PG has the obligation from the government to fulfill the domestic fertilizer requirement in order to succeed the National Food Security programme. For this reason, PG must prepare competent and high integrity human resources to improve the company performance.

"All participants must take this program seriously, have high enthusiasm, and maintain their health", said Dedy.

Supervisor of Gadik Brimob Watukosek in Pasuruan, AKBP.Drs. IBN Prasada, appreciates PG for implementing this Susbintal training programme for its prospective employees. This activity is not only a physical and mental training, but also provides the insight of national defensive and fighting spirit for the country. This training is designed to improve the competency and character formation of the participants, so they can be competent and qualified human resources, having nationalism, discipline, loyalty, as well as capable in building teamwork and solid cooperation.

According to Supervisor of PG Training Centre, Waluyo Sirdjo, this activitiy will be held on November 12th to 25th, 2018 located surrounding in PG. The training material/module includes classroom and field learning methods, as well as evaluation as a basis for assessing the requirements for employees inauguration later. Hartono