Petrokimia Gresik's High Commitment To Environmental Management Rewarded With The Three-Time Consecutive Gold Proper Award From The Vice President Of Indonesia

21 December 2023 18:27 / Corcom of PG / 1218x viewed

Petrokimia Gresik, a leading Agroindustry Solutions company under the Pupuk Indonesia conglomerate, once again received the GOLD PROPER award, the highest recognition from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia for environmental management. Symbolically, the award was presented by the Vice President (Wapres) of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, in Jakarta, Wednesday (20/12/2023).

Following the award reception, Petrokimia Gresik's President Director, Dwi Satriyo Annurogo, expressed gratitude for the continued appreciation from the Vice President and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry towards Petrokimia Gresik. The Corporate Performance Rating Program or PROPER with the GOLD category has been achieved by Petrokimia Gresik for the third consecutive time since 2021.

"While the GOLD PROPER is indeed the highest, our efforts in environmental management do not stop here. This commitment must be continuously enhanced, as better environmental management by a company leads to more positive impacts that can be given and obtained. Therefore, every year Petrokimia Gresik continues to improve the quality of environmental management and is appreciated through the GOLD PROPER award for the third time," said Dwi Satriyo.

He added that PROPER encourages every business activity not only to comply with environmental regulations but also to become a platform for sustainable business practices by applying green economy principles. The PROPER assessment criteria become increasingly complex each year in line with the needs and demands of the times.

"Petrokimia Gresik, as a member of the conglomerate, consistently supports Pupuk Indonesia in becoming an international company by prioritizing environmental awareness. The achievement of the GOLD PROPER is evidence that the company's development aligns with environmental sustainability, thus benefiting society," emphasized Dwi Satriyo.

One of Petrokimia Gresik's flagship programs that also supports the company in obtaining the GOLD PROPER is the Integrated Livestock Farming Environment Community Development (Comdev) Literacy program in Sumbersari Village, Sambeng Subdistrict, Lamongan Regency, East Java. This program, which has transformed into a Self-Reliant Rural Agriculture Training Center (P4S), has proven not only to bring welfare to members and have a positive impact on environmental conservation but also to provide benefits and inspire agricultural and livestock stakeholders.

Petrokimia Gresik has been supporting cattle breeders in Sumbersari since 2018. The program, initially focused on improving livestock management capacity, creating processed products from livestock waste, developing group businesses, and strengthening group management, has now evolved into a learning center.

Furthermore, Dwi Satriyo added, Petrokimia Gresik also has several programs to realize green industries. These include energy efficiency through various innovations in factories and waste management in accordance with Government regulations. Additionally, water consumption savings such as the utilization of Neutralized Water Effluent Treatment I for AlF3 Factory, Purified Gypsum I and II.

"In carrying out business processes, we always strive to reduce environmental impacts through eco-innovation programs based on the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) cycle with a cradle-to-grave scope, such as Cone Strainer installation for energy efficiency, Drift Eliminator System Change for water savings, and Ammonia Emission Recovery Program for emission load reduction. These eco-innovation programs can reduce water footprint, eutrophication, acid rain, and cumulative energy demand impacts. Through the application of circular economy principles, these innovation activities result in savings of up to Rp314.6 billion," exemplified Dwi Satriyo.

Finally, he ensured that the achievement of the GOLD PROPER would motivate all Petrokimia Gresik employees to continue innovating to create breakthroughs in environmental management. Thus, the community will increasingly feel the benefits of the company's presence.

"With this achievement, Petrokimia Gresik's standardization in environmental management will also continue to be enhanced. This will certainly be driven by innovations for a better shared future," he concluded.
