Petrokimia Gresik's Communication Performance Garners Recognition from Stakeholders at Various Events

07 November 2023 14:05 / Corcom of PG / 2027x viewed

The communication performance of Petrokimia Gresik, a member of the Pupuk Indonesia holding and a leading agro-industrial solutions company, has once again received national-level appreciation, as the company's communication platforms swept various awards, including four awards at the Anugerah Humas Indonesia (AHI) 2023 #5 event. The awards were symbolically received by Petrokimia Gresik's Vice President of Corporate Communication, Rama Yusron Harbiansyah, representing the management in Semarang.

Petrokimia Gresik's communication platforms that clinched awards included the magazine, company profile video, and social media. Specifically, Gold and Silver were awarded in the Internal Media Category for the Gema magazine print editions 352 and 356. The company profile video also received a Bronze in the same category. Lastly, the company's Instagram account @petrokimiagresik_official won a Bronze award in the Digital Channel Category.

In a separate statement on Monday (6/11), Petrokimia Gresik's Corporate Secretary Senior Vice President, Adityo Wibowo, expressed that these awards are evidence of Petrokimia Gresik's successful communication of its commitment to being a solution in the agro-industrial sector and driving national chemical industry advancement through various platforms.

"Innovative company programs, supported by robust communication strategies, become interesting news topics. Petrokimia Gresik's CEO, Mr. Dwi Satriyo Annurogo, has always been concerned about communication aspects. Full management support makes communication management in the company more optimal," he emphasized.

Adityo, affectionately known as Adit, explained that Gema magazine received two awards because the Jury believed it effectively presented corporate credibility based on good journalistic principles and provided visually captivating design. The same applied to the company profile video.

Regarding social media communication management, Petrokimia Gresik employs several strategies. One of them is actively providing engaging solution content for agriculture and agro-industry enthusiasts.

Furthermore, he added, Petrokimia Gresik collaborates with mass media to publicize company programs. These news items receive significant responses from social media users.

Social Media Popularity
Adit also explained that in the previous event, namely Jamboree PR INDONESIA (JAMPIRO) #9 in Surakarta, Central Java, Petrokimia Gresik's CEO, Dwi Satriyo Annurogo, was once again crowned as the "Most Popular Leader in Social Media 2023."

In addition to these awards, Petrokimia Gresik also received two INSAN PR INDONESIA 2023 awards in the BUMN Subsidiary Category. The first was awarded to Rama Yusron Harbiansyah (Bronze Winner) for the Vice President (VP) PR Sub-category. The second was given to Try Desriady (Silver Winner) for the Public Relations Manager Sub-category.

"We extend our gratitude to stakeholders for the appreciation bestowed upon us. This achievement will motivate the Petrokimia Gresik team to continue developing communication strategies to provide the best service to consumers and related stakeholders," he concluded.

For information, AHI is a competition for public relations performance, and it serves as one of the highest benchmarks for communication achievements for many institutions in Indonesia. This competition evaluates the performance of public bodies, including ministries, agencies, local governments, state-owned enterprises, BUMN subsidiaries, BUMDs, state universities, and public service agencies. This year, AHI 2023 received 211 entries from 46 institutions.

Meanwhile, JAMPIRO also serves as a public relations performance competition for PR professionals from various institutions such as ministries, agencies, local governments, state-owned enterprises, BUMDs, and universities. The Most Popular on Social Media award is the third award given to Dwi Satriyo since 2021.
