National Nutrition Day: Improving People's Food Quality Through Phonska Plus

25 January 2023 07:00 / Corcom of PG / 2858x viewed

The commemoration of National Nutrition Day (HGN) is one of the efforts made by the government to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) with the application of proper nutrition since 1950. This is due to the lack of public concern with the nutritional content in food and often "perfunctory" in choosing food. Therefore, on January 25 every year it is commemorated as an HGN which is expected to increase people's sensitivity to the importance of the body's nutritional needs which certainly affects the level of health and quality of life.

Eating nutritious food certainly cannot be separated from the selection of the quality of the processed food ingredients and the nutrients contained in them. Based on data released by the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) in 2016, it is stated that 50% of the world's agricultural land conditions experience significant zinc micronutrient deficiencies. In fact, zinc is one of the micronutrients that play a role in the application of proper nutrition. Zinc activates white blood cells, so it can boost the immune system.

Therefore, zinc deficiency will affect body tissues, especially in the growth process. The Nutritional Adequacy Rate (AKG) for Zinc per day in infants and children aged 0 months to 3 years ranges from 1.1-3 mg/day. Zinc must be available in sufficient quantities because zinc deficiency that occurs can result in impaired physical growth or stunting and inhibit the development of brain cells.

What needs to be a common concern is that Indonesia was included in the region with the worst deficiency in the world that year. The latest survey in 12 provinces in Indonesia found that the prevalence of Zinc deficiency in children under five reached 36.1%. The results showed that almost 4 out of 10 children suffered from zinc deficiency due to a fairly severe deficiency.

For this reason, in 2016 Petrokimia Gresik as a leading agro-industrial solution producer in Indonesia contributed to providing solutions to increase zinc intake in humans by creating NPK Phonska Plus fertilizer products. This fertilizer, which is enriched with sulfur and zinc elements, is not only able to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of planting both in terms of quantity and quality produced but can also increase zinc micronutrients in agricultural products. So that the nutritional needs of zinc humans through food can be met.

Thus, the problem of zinc nutrient deficiency in the soil is no longer a problem. By eating nutritious foods and fulfilling human zinc nutrients every day, it can provide benefits such as increased immunity, increased energy, and better-maintained health. So that it will directly have a positive impact on the productivity and health of the Indonesian people which is even better. (WA)