Health with the Community on World Heart Day

30 September 2019 11:07 / PG Public Relation / 6384x viewed

Nowadays heart disease sits on the second top rank as disease causes of death in Indonesia according to the data from Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) Ministry of Health. Various efforts had been done by government to decrease the death number that caused by heart disease, with involves any agencies, institutions and companies. PT Petrokimia Gresik as the subsidiary company of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) commits to grow and develop with community becomes Agroindustry Solution Company. Through various programs which is concepted like in CSR activities, Petrokimia Gresik strives to improve the lives of the people around the company, especially on Health.

In commemorating the World Heart Day, Petrokimia Gresik invited local residents to join in “GEBYAR GERMAS: Guyub Bersama Sehatkan Jantung Kita”. The people were very excited with this program. At least 900 people from 8 (eight) areas around company came to the event at Petrokimia Gresik Office House field to do gymnastic on Sunday morning (29/09/19). Gymnastic participants were ranging from among children to elderly. After the excersise of gymnastic the community also participated in various activity that were offered by Petrokimia Gresik according to their needs, including: Education class for pregnant and nursing mothers, tooth brushing training for kids and medical checkup, free medicine for whoever need it. Petrokimia Gresik also provided free health breakfast for all participants.

The event of GEBYAR GERMAS was officially opened by Acting official, GM of Affair, Nanang Teguh S. On his speech, Nanang conveyed that health is must be priority for everybody, because the one who will feel the good of health is ourselves. “With this event, I hope we can be a better person and can utilize the potency of our strength and environment optimally.” Said Nanang.

In carrying out this activity, Petrokimia Gresik cooperated with Grha Husada Hospital which mobilizing around 22 medical officers. The event was attended by Healt Department of Gresik Regency and local health center, also the leader of PERWOSI (Persatuan Wanita Olahraga Seluruh Indonesia) Gresik Regency, the logistic was supported by foster of UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik and Dettol. Petrokimia Gresik realize increasing the health of community is a dream that must be reached together.

Manager of CSR, Luqman Harun, conveyed that GEBYAR GERMAS is a part of Kampung Sehat program which routinely hold in every year. “Different with last year, in this year we try to provide a medium for surrounding community to take a real action of health which actually it is already started since early 2019,” said Luqman.

Petrokimia Gresik always invites surrounding community to care with their health. This is realized in a program named Kampung Sehat which is implemented continually and the changes are adjusted with the conditon of community. In 2017, Petrokimia Gresik carries the curative methods by conducting free medical chek up and medicine for surrounding community. As time passes, the condition in community changes and the government policies also experiencing renewal in the health sector. In 2018, Petrokimia Gresik and Petrokimia Gresik Hospital (RSPG) held focus group discussion (FGD) with Gresik Health Department at local health center. The result was create Kampung Sehat program based on Public Health Index (IKS) dan Clean and Health Behavior (PHBS) as a reference for program in 2019. One of the principal in implementing Kampung Sehat 2019 is President Instruction No. 01 / 2017 about GERMAS (Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat), that healthy life behavior activities to improve the quality of life. One of them is through physical activities which become the main activities in GEBYAR GERMAS 2019, that is Gymnastic together.

Gymnastic is believed can be one of efforts to prevent heart disease. However, not only that, there are several efforts of prevention that need to be done, such as, restrict to consume high cholesterol food, maintain body weight, keep controlling blood pressure, care with the stability of the glucose and do not smoke.

The special class for pregnant and nursing mothers and free medicine in GEBYAR GERMAS got appreciation from the surrounding community.

One of citizen in Roomo village, Nursafaah (33), she was excited with the special class for pregnant and nursing mothers, “Usually there is a gymnastics in every week, but I am too lazy to join, because now there is special class for pregnant and nursing mothers, so I am interested to join. After exercise, I got knowledge for pregnancy,” said Nursafaah.

Community hope, Petrokimia Gresik keeps holding this event in the next year. “It’s an extraordinary event, the Kroman’s citizen can meet with other villagers. I wish this event can be held again next year,” hoped Agus (48). This headman of Kroman admitted that he was excited to join the gymnastic and free medicine service that held by Petrokimia Gresik. Ria Hermila.