Edhie Sudaryanto; Correlation between Organic Fertilizer and Rice Productivity in Grobogan

20 September 2018 08:12 / http://sahabatpetani.com / 6677x viewed

The level of awareness among farmers in Grobogan reagarding with the importance of organic fertilizer for soil fertility is still not too high. This was acknowledged by Edhie Sudaryanto, Head of Agriculture Public Service in Grobogan. This condition occurs especially among food farmers and crops (palawija). Unlike the horticultural farmers, almost all of them have applied the organic fertilizer.

"This condition is a challenge for us, considering the level of soil fertility in Grobogan is relatively low. We have tested samples of soils in several locations, the organic content is only about 2%. This is what makes us have an obsession to increase it to 5%", he said.

Edhie hopes that the Petroganik Event in Mangunsari, Tegowanu Area, Grobogan, on Wednesday (9/19) could be a trigger to increase public awareness about this. Most farmers want the instantenous ones, once the fertilization is done, the results are expected to be immediately visible. Whereas the effects of organic fertilizer take a long time.

"Organic fertilizers are very important for soil fertility. We know that almost 80% of the land in Grobogan is gromosol, clay. If you don't use enough organic fertilizer, this type of soil makes it difficult for plants to absorb nutrients. This is one of the reasons why the rice productivity in Grobogan still has to be improved", he said.

According to this IPB alumnus, the rice productivity in Grobogan averages 6.5 tons per hectare, although this figure is still above the average of Central Java Province, but it is allowed to increase to 7 tons per hectare. One of the factors, Edhie explained, was the low use of organic fertilizers.

"Although there are many farmers who use compound fertilizers, the application of organic fertilizers still has to be continuously communicated to them. We hope that, farmers do not only think about the present, but also need to think for the future. Since the land degradation will occur more and more due to continuous use of chemical fertilizers", he said.

Discussing about the ideal application of organic fertilizer for each hectare, the husband of Wahyuningrum said that there are differences among one region to the others. Like Toroh District and Godong District, the use of chemical fertilizer is very high, therefore it requires a lot of organic fertilizer.

"Our range, ideally for each hectare, requires 1 ton of organic fertilizer. In terms of costs, the amount is relatively affordable for farmers and effective for crops and land. As we know that organic fertilizer is not only beneficial for plants, but also for the soil fertility", he explained.

Based on experience, Edhie said, the results of new organic fertilizers will be seen when applied three times continuously for one year.

This father of two children admitted that, although it is still low, there is an increase in the use of organic fertilizers in Grobogan from year to year. For example, Petroganik (subsidized organic fertilizer produced by PT Petrokimia Gresik), which was absorbed as much 5,000 tons, it has been increasing in 2017 to 8,000 tons. This year, the company targets 10,000 tons.

"To build awareness of the importance of organic fertilizers, we hope that there will be synergy between the government, state-owned fertilizer producers, the private sectors and farmers, since it is not only an obligation of the agricultural advisors themselves. Since food problems are the our responsibility, not only the government’s", he explained.

Therefore, he was very supportive and thanked PT Petrokimia Gresik and Petroganik Production Partners, who had held the Petroganik Event in Grobogan. Because of the event could be a campaign for the importance of the organic fertilizer application. (Made Wirya)


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