Prove The Commitment to Sustainable Development, Petrokimia Gresik Get Five Achievements from Nusantara CSR Awards

12 October 2021 13:30 / Corcom of PG / 4357x viewed

5 (five) of the many CSR programs initiated by Petrokimia Gresik have won awards at the Nusantara CSR Awards (NCSRA) event organized by The La Tofi School of Corporate Social Responsibility. The culmination of the awarding of the NCSRA event was broadcast live from the Ramayanan Terrace Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Jakarta on Wednesday (15/09/2021).

Petrokimia Gresik participated in five categories in this event, and all of them were awarded with satisfactory marks by the assessment team. The five categories and programs that received the award were:

  1. Health Quality Improvement Category – “Healthy Village with Various Treatments”
  2. Category Health and Economic Assistance for COVID-19 Emergency Management – ​​“Immune Package for Communities Around the Company” Program.
  3. Education Quality Improvement Category – “SEKAR MAMAMIA Program (School for Candidate of Mother & Youth of Petrokimia)
  4. Economic and Community Empowerment Category – “LITERATION (Integrated Livestock Waste), There is money from waste”
  5. Tourism Village Development Category – KALAM Program (Kali Lamong), Mangrove Nature Tourism in the middle of Gresik City. The

assessment and judging of this event were carried out by renowned practitioners and academics consisting of La Tofi (Chairman of The La Tofi School of CSR), Prof. Ibnu Hamad (Professor of Communication Studies, University of Indonesia), Agus Suharyono (Deputy Assistant of TJSL Ministry of SOEs), and Hizbullah Arief (Founder and Chairman of Hijauku).

VP of CSR Petrokimia Gresik, Muhammad Ihwan, advised that work is not just seeking rewards, but awards are a measure that changes have occurred. For him, all the efforts and results that have been deployed are a form of Petrokimia Gresik's dedication to consumers, stakeholders, and all Petrokimia Gresik personnel. (*/Almira/Wildan)