Creating Industrial Workers Ready to Work

03 December 2018 16:18 / PG Public Relation / 7114x viewed

As many as 79 graduates of the D1 Industrial Vocational Education Program in the Industrial Chemical Engineering collaborated with PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), Training Center of Indonesian Ministry of Industry, and Makassar ATI Polytechnic, graduated on Saturday, December 1st, 2018, and it was attended by General Secretary of Indonesian Ministry of Industry, Haris Munandar, Director of Finance, PG Human Resources and General Affairs, Dwi Ary Purnomo, Director and Academic Officers of Makassar ATI Polytechnic, and graduates as well as their families.

The General Secretary of Indonesian Ministry of Industry, Haris Munandar, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) who had successfully conducted the Diploma 1 Industrial Vocational Education Program. According to him, the implementation of this program is a form of PG's real support to the Government in anticipating the provision of competent human resources (HR) in the Industry 4.0 sectors. The Indonesian Ministry of Industry has initiated the launching of "Making Indonesia 4.0" which was inaugurated by the President, of Indonesia, Joko Widodo on April 4th, 2018. Industrial technology 4.0 is a technology based on artificial intelligence, internet of things, augmented reality / virtual reality, advanced robotic and 3D printing, in order to improve efficiency and productivity, so that our national industries have competitiveness in the domestic and global markets.

Haris said, petrochemical industry is one part among the chemical industries which will be encouraged in developing the industrial technology 4.0 to become leading biochemical manufacturing industries. For this reason, it is necessary to develop competent and characterised human resources in the petrochemical field. One among them is through the implementation of competency-based industrial vocational education that links and matches with the industries that produce industrial workforce, who is ready to work.

Haris revealed that PG is also actively conducting vocational training in the East Java region, by accepting 300 vocational teachers for internships for 1 (one) month, as well as 150 vocational students for internship for 6 (six) months. It is hoped for the existing support, cooperation and good relations can be increased in the future.

The PG Director of Finance, Human Resources and General Affairs, Dwi Ary Purnomo, said that competent and characterised HR are very valuable assets for the company. PG as a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) always strives to improve its HR competencies. This is absolutely necessary to do as a pillar of company's development towards a solution for agro-industry in order to stimulate the realization of the National Food Security Program. Hartono