Pupuk Indonesia Prepares for the Planting Season

07 January 2021 16:24 / PG Public Relation / 8638x viewed

NOMOR: 02/PR.EXT/I/2021
-Press Release -
PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)
7 Januari 2021

Pupuk Indonesia Prepares for the Planting Season

JAKARTA - Entering the early planting season in 2021, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) prepared a stock of subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizers to meet farmers' demands. Nationally, the stock of subsidized fertilizers that is prepared reaches 1.25 million tons, consisting of 648.853 tons of urea, 299.260 tons of NPK, 95.514 tons of SP 36, 118.620 tons of ZA and 92.157 tons of organic fertilizer. Meanwhile, the available stock of non-subsidized fertilizer is around 800 thousand tons.

Marketing Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Gusrizal said that the total stock is sufficient to meet the needs of the next 4 weeks, and the amount is double from Government's stipulation regarding the limit of subsidized fertilizer stock.

Of the total stock, the regions with the highest amount of stock were West Java with 123.269 tons, East Java 290.642 tons and South Sulawesi with 79.812 tons. The stock is ready to be distributed to farmers who registered in the e-RDKK after the issuance of a decree from the local government. This is because this decree is one of the main requirements so that warehouses can start distributing their fertilizers to distributors and kiosks. "The stock is already available up to warehouse lines 3 and 4 and is ready to be disbursed to the public after the issuance of the decree of the provincial and regency heads," Gusrizal explained.

The amount of subsidized fertilizer allocation in 2021 itself has increased compared to the previous year, total become 9.041.475 tons of fertilizer plus 1.500.000 liters of liquid organic fertilizer. The details of the allocation of subsidized fertilizers in 2021 are 4.166.669 tons of urea, 640.812 tons of SP36, 784.144 tons of ZA, 2.662.000 tons of NPK, 770.850 tons of organic and 17.000 tons of special formula NPK.

This allocation is the basis for Pupuk Indonesia Group to distribute subsidized fertilizers to regions according to the amount determined by the Government. For the record, as a SOE that has the task of distributing fertilizers, Pupuk Indonesia can only distribute subsidized fertilizers according to the predetermined allocation.

Gusrizal emphasized that in order for the distribution of subsidized fertilizers to be truly on target, there are a number of requirements that need to be fulfil by farmers. In accordance with MOA Regulation No. 49 of 2021, farmers who are entitled to subsidized fertilizer are those who join farmer groups, are registered in the e-RDKK and for certain areas, already have a Tani Card and purchases must be made at official kiosks. "Without these requirements, farmers cannot be served to purchase subsidized fertilizers. However, as an alternative, we are preparing non-subsidized fertilizers,” said Gusrizal.

In order to ensure stock availability and smooth distribution, Pupuk Indonesia has prepared a number of supporting infrastructure, including implementing the Distribution Planning & Control System (DPCS), system to monitor the movement of fertilizer transport in real time and maintain stock in warehouses until district level is maintained according to regulations. Government. In addition, in carrying out the task of distributing subsidized fertilizers, the Pupuk Indonesia Group is supported by qualified facilities and infrastructure, such as 650 warehouse units with a total capacity of 3.5 million tons, 6.151 trucks and 12 vessels to ensure smooth distribution to all corners.

"We ask for the support of all stakeholders to jointly monitor the distribution of fertilizers, especially subsidized fertilizers," said Gusrizal.

Wijaya Laksana
Head Of Corporate Communication of
PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)

About Pupuk Indonesia
PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is the biggest Urea fertilizer producer in Asia and Top 10 in the world with total capacity of production reach 13.95 million tons per year. In carrying out the task for national food security, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) and 10 (ten) subsidiaries company are the biggest fertilizer producer in Asia which contain Urea, NPK, ZA, Organic, and SP-36 fertilizer which spread in Java, Sumatera, and Kalimantan. Has supporting facilities such as port and its facilities, Freight ship, warehouse, Fertilizer-holding and workshop units that facilitate the production and distribution process of fertilizers. The operational activities of Pupuk Indonesia Group are engaged in the fertilizer, petrochemical and agrochemical, steam (hot steam) and electricity, transportation and distribution, trading and EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) industries.

The ten subsidiaries are PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC), PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (PSP), PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind), PT Mega Eltra (ME), PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik (PILog), PT Pupuk Indonesia Energi (PIE), dan PT Pupuk Indonesia Pangan (PIP). For more information about Pupuk Indonesia can be accessed in www.pupuk-indonesia.com.

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