Care for Environment, PG Campaigns #CerdasBerplastik

21 August 2019 09:36 / PG Public Relation / 6405x viewed

As a commitment to its concern for environmental sustainability, PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), a member of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Holding Company started for the #CerdasBerplastik campaign. Two activities during PG 47th Anniversary, Petro Agrifood Expo (PAE) and Bazaar 2019, were the beginnings for this Agroindustry Solutions company in campaigning #CerdasBerplastik.

PAE and Bazar were chosen as PG's initial media for #CerdasBerplastik campaign since those involved many visitors and had the potential to produce large amounts of plastic waste. Therefore, visitors were invited to be #CerdasBerplastik by bringing their own shopping bags.

Data from Ministry of Environment stated that around one million plastic bags were used throughout Indonesia in every minute, while plastic bags themselves took hundreds of years to decompose. And even more concerning, as reported by CNN, Indonesia is currently the second largest producer of plastic waste in the world.

Through this campaign, PG educates the public to be wise in using disposable plastics by presenting "Monsti" (plastic monster) as a visualization of the dangers of plastic waste if it is not managed properly, as well as collecting plastics to visitors who still carry plastic bags to be exchanged with reusable bags saying #CerdasBerplastik. This campaign was initiated by Public Relations Department which subsequently became a corporate campaign.

"This is a form of Petrokimia Gresik's concern for environmental issues. Plastic wastes continue to be in spotlight both in Indonesia and internationally, "said PG Public Relations Manager, Muhammad Ihwan.

Ihwan revealed, his side deliberately chose the phrase "Cerdas Berplastik", since indeed we could not yet be completely separated from plastics. Currently, plastics are the most efficient and inexpensive packaging materials.

Some minimarkets provide plastic bags that are claimed to be biodegradable within 1-2 years, but believe the plastic bags become microplastic, invisible to the naked eyes.

Therefore, it is time for us to be #CerdasBerplastik. Bring your own shopping bags, bring your own drinking bottles, because if it is not us, then who else does? If it is not now, then when? Try D