Soil Fertility Must Be Preserved

01 March 2019 13:59 / PG Public Relation / 7872x viewed

Director of Engineering and Development of PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), Arif Fauzan, became a guest speaker during the discussion forum themed "Using the Organic Fertilizers, Biological Fertilizers, and Soil Improvement to Increase the Sustainable Rice Productivity" held by AGRINA Magazine, at Hotel Sahati, Jakarta, on February 27th, 2019. The discussion forum also presented speakers from the Indonesian Agribusiness Experts, who had also been Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2001-2004, Bungaran Saragih; Director of Fertilizers and Pesticides, Ministry of Agriculture, Muhrizal Sarwani; and Chairman of National KTNA, Winarno Tohir.

This discussion forum attended by farmers, academics, and associations related to biological fertilizer producers, as well as the mass media, aims to socialize the agricultural development, and sustainable agribusiness. One of them is by preserving the soil fertility through the use of organic fertilizers, biological fertilizers, and soil enhancers appropriately.

On the occasion, Arif Fauzan conveyed the role of PT Petrokimia Gresik in producing the organic fertilizers, biological fertilizers, and soil enhancers to support the improvement of food productivity in Indonesia.

For the soil nutrient rejuvenation to always yield productive plants, PG has had its products, such as Petroganik organic fertilizers, Petro Biofertil biofertilizers, and Petro-CAS soil enhancers.

As a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia, PG continues to innovate and transform into an Agroindustry Solution company to support the government in implementing the National Food Sustainability programme. Hartono