Improve Health Through TOGA Utilization

27 May 2023 12:29 / Corcom of PG / 5135x viewed

Jamu is a traditional Indonesian herbal drink that has been used for centuries to maintain health and body balance. To promote herbal medicine as a cultural heritage and as an effective traditional medicine in treating diseases, National Herbal Medicine Day is celebrated every May 27.

Jamu has been used in Indonesia since ancient times. Historical records show that jamu has been used by the Javanese since the 9th century AD. As time goes by, herbal medicine has become more and more popular among the people. In fact, at the beginning of the 20th century, herbal medicine was included in the classification of trade commodities that were considered important. Jamu is then mass-produced and sold in stores spread throughout Indonesia.

One of the main ingredients used in making herbal medicine is the family medicinal plant (TOGA). TOGA is a type of plant that can be planted in the yard, garden, or a piece of land that is efficacious as medicine to meet the family's needs for medicine. TOGA has been used in herbal medicine and therapy for thousands of years. TOGA has been used for generations in traditional family medicine.

The benefits of using TOGA include:

  1. Treating minor and chronic diseases

  2. TOGA can be used to treat a wide range of mild to chronic diseases. Some of the popular medicinal plants used in Indonesia are betel leaf, temulawak, ginger, turmeric, pandan leaf, and cinnamon. This medicinal plant can treat various diseases such as flu, cough, fever, digestive disorders, diabetes, to high cholesterol.

  3. Reduces the side effects of chemical drugs

  4. The use of TOGA can help reduce the side effects of chemical drugs. Chemical drugs often have unwanted side effects such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, and so on. By using TOGA as an alternative treatment, the side effects of chemical drugs can be reduced or even avoided.

  5. Easy to get and cheaper

TOGA is easily available and cheaper than modern medicine. This medicinal plant can usually be found in traditional markets, medicine men, or even in the yard of the house. In addition, the price of TOGA is also more affordable compared to modern medicine which is often expensive and difficult to reach by most Indonesians.

The process of planting TOGA is fairly easy. Simply by taking a little land in the yard of the house, you can turn it into a small garden that can be useful for the family. There are several stages to plant TOGA to produce good crops, including:

  1. Soil preparation

  2. Soil preparation is a very important initial stage when growing TOGA. Make sure the soil to be used has been fertilized and treated properly to make it easier for plants to grow and develop properly. Fertile soil will help the plant to grow well and produce quality leaves and flowers.

  3. Seed selection

  4. Seed selection is the main key to success in growing TOGA. Make sure the seeds used are still fresh and selected from high-quality plant types. If possible, use seeds that come from trusted sources or seed producers that are well known to the public.

  5. Planting

  6. TOGA planting should be done by hollowing out the soil and inserting seeds into the prepared holes. After that, cover the hole with the earth and press it slightly so that the seeds do not go too deep. Make sure the plants are spaced enough between each other so that they can grow and develop properly.

  7. Plant Maintenance

To ensure success in growing medicinal plants of the TOGA family, good maintenance is required. Make sure the plants get enough water and sunlight and prune regularly to optimize yields.

Fertilizer Use

Fertilizer is one of the important factors in the success of growing family medicinal plants (TOGA). The use of fertilizers can help increase crop yields and TOGA quality. Fertilizers can be mixed with water and applied to plants evenly. Make sure that the use of fertilizer is carried out regularly and by the recommended dosage. Excessive use of fertilizers can adversely affect plants and the surrounding environment.

NPK Phonska Plus is an alternative fertilizer that can be used to improve the quality of TOGA grown. NPK Phonska Plus fertilizer contains nitrogen elements that play an important role in the formation of protein and chlorophyll in plants. In the presence of sufficient nitrogenous elements, plants can grow faster and more fertile. Then the phosphorus and potassium elements present in NPK Phonska Plus fertilizer play an important role in the formation of flowers and fruits in plants so that they can produce more high-quality fruits.

In commemoration of National Jamu Day, Indonesians need to understand how important the use of TOGA is as an alternative medicine that is safe, easy to obtain, and affordable. By raising awareness about the benefits of using traditional medicine, it is hoped that it can help the people of Indonesia maintain their health more naturally and affordably.