UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik Equips 1,000 TPQ Teachers To Promote The Next Superior Generation in Gresik

29 March 2023 11:32 / Corcom of PG / 2490x viewed

During the Holy Month of Ramadan 1444 H, Petrokimia Gresik Solution Company Agroindustry, and a holding member of the Pupuk Indonesia through the Agency Zakat Collection Unit, Amil Zakat Nasional (UPZ Baznas) Petrokimia Gresik held a "Seminar and Workshop (Semiloka) of 1,000 Quran Education Park (TPQ) Teachers" in Gresik, East Java, on Wednesday (29/3).

President Director of Petrokimia Gresik, Dwi Satriyo Annurogo in the middle of the opening said that this activity was the company's effort to form a superior and religious next generation through the education of the competent TPQ teachers with fun teaching methods, and also skilled entrepreneurship.

"This activity was first carried out and is a commitment of the company with UPZ Baznaz Petrokimia Gresik to improve the knowledge of TPQ teachers around the company. We want them to be able to become teachers who can attract the interest of students in gaining knowledge," said Dwi Satriyo who has also been a Quran teacher.

TPQ teachers today have a vital role in creating the next generation of Gresik who are superior and resilient in facing all challenges and changes, especially the rapid pace of technology that has an impact that is not only positive for children's growth and development but also has a negative effect if not fortified.

According to him, TPQ teachers who are competent will be able to form spiritual intelligence for their students so that they can be agile in facing all forms of impact from the dynamics of life. Therefore, it is hoped that this facility can be utilized properly so that the next generation of Gresik and also Indonesia will be more resilient.

Meanwhile, Chairman of UPZ Basnaz Petrokimia Gresik, Yusuf Wibisono in his report said that this activity was a series of Petrokimia Gresik's 51st Anniversary which was attended by 1,000 TPQ teachers from 257 TPQ institutions throughout Gresik Regency. In this activity, UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik also cooperates with the Gresik Regency Tilawati Institute.

"This workshop is a contribution of UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik with the company to help increase the capacity and capability of TPQ teachers which will ultimately have an impact on their students. Teachers are assets to shape the character of the nation's generation," said Yusuf.

This workshop, he added, was filled with sharing activities with several speakers with the theme "Becoming a Fun & Interesting Teacher", in collaboration with the East Java Sharia Economic Community (MES) to conduct sharing sessions about halal lifestyle and also "Empowerment & Entrepreneurship."

Furthermore, Yusuf revealed that during the month of Ramadan, in addition to this Semiloka, UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik also carried out several activities, including educational scholarships for the hafiz of the Qur'an, synergizing with philanthropic institutions, sharing iftar with the community by cooperating with Nurul Jannah Mosque. Next, UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik also provides compensation for the elderly and the duafa, compensation for imams, rawatib, mosques, and musallas throughout Gresik Regency. The total value of these activities reached more than Rp 300 million.

In the same place, the Acting Head of the Gresik Ministry of Religious Affairs Office, Muhammad Ali Faiq, representing TPQ teachers, appreciated Petrokimia Gresik together with UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik for having concern for TPQ teachers. He hopes that this activity will be sustainable and inspiring.

"TPQ teachers have an important role in building young people with character. Hopefully, this activity will not only stop here so that the benefits for TPQ teachers will be even more vast" he said.

UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik Shares Benefits

From 2019 to 2023, UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik provided many benefits to the community. Among them are elderly compensation with a total of 66 mustahik or beneficiaries worth Rp 705 million. Imam Rawatib Masjid and Musala compensation for 47 mustahik worth of Rp 829.5 million.

Furthermore, UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik also has economic empowerment programs, including empowering 16 orphanages with the assistance of IDR 1.1 billion. Empowering Street Vendors through the Rombong Berkah program with a total of 275 mustahik, as well as empowering independent people with disabilities for 19 recipients with a value of Rp79.6 million.

"Hopefully Petrokimia Gresik together with UPZ Baznas Petrokimia Gresik can provide more benefits, for the realization of an economically independent community," concluded Dwi Satriyo.

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