The Board of Directors Gives Awards to the Achievement Innovation Group

15 December 2020 10:59 / PG Public Relation / 5323x viewed

The Directors of Petrokimia Gresik (PG) give their appreciation to the Petrokimia Gresik innovation groups that have performed well in international and national events. The symbolic handover of the award was carried out by the President Director of Petrokimia Gresik, Dwi Satriyo Annurogo at the Kemuning Room, Petrokimia Gresik Head Office (14/12/2020). The award ceremony was held offline by implementing strict health protocols, and was attended by the Board of Directors and 5 (five) award recipient representatives. Meanwhile, members of the award recipient group and related officials participated virtually (online).

The Petrokimia Gresik innovation group in the “XXIV Konvensi Nasional Temu Karya Mutu & Produktivitas Nasional (TKMPN) 2020” won 3 (three) Diamonds, 8 (eight) Platinum, 1 (one) Gold, and 1 (one) Best Performance. (related news click here). Whereas in the 45th International Convention "International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2020 which was held virtually from Dhaka, Bangladesh by the Bangladesh Society For Total Quality Management (BSTQM), 1-3 December 2020, three groups of Innovations from Petrokimia Gresik, namely SS Azka, SS Jangan Digoyang, and GIO All New 555 all won the Platinum category award.

On this occasion, the President Director of Petrokimia Gresik also gave an appreciation to the VP of Occupational Safety & Health (K3), Achmad Zaid who won the "BEST PARTICIPANT" in the Talent Leadership Development Program (LDP) Grade 2 Pupuk Indonesia Group 2019. Hartono

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