A Trustworthy Person Is The Key of Corruption Prevention

26 January 2021 15:45 / Corcom of PG / 4575x viewed

Gratuities is the root of corruption and gift giving can end up in a criminal offense. This was conveyed by Sugiarto, Group Head of the Gratification Control and Public Service Program at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"Gratuities, which were initially considered small and ordinary things, are the beginning of integrity damage. Through this gift, a debt of gratitude will arise and subsequently lead to acts of detrimental to the state," said Sugiarto starting the material on Gratuities in the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on Corruption Eradication held virtually by Petrokimia Gresik (PG), Monday (25/1).

Therefore, it is important for corporations to regulate which gifts are allowed, prohibited or must be reported. According to Sugiarto, gratuities are gifts generally received by civil servants or state officials, so that there are gratuities that are allowed and some are illegal.

Gratuities are illegal or are considered bribes if the gifts received are related to their position, and contrary to the obligations or duties of the recipient.

Meanwhile, gratuities that are allowed are gifts related to the realm of customs, habits and norms of the community that do not contradict laws. This gift is seen as an expression of cordiality.

Sugiarto emphasized that if there is a gift that smells of bribery then it must be rejected. If you cannot refuse, report it to the Gratuities Control Unit at PG, or other KPK reporting channels no later than 30 days after receipt. Then the recipient will be free from the bondage of the law.

"The Great Wall of China is very solid. But in the first 100 years, the enemy has succeeded in breaking into it three times. Not by tearing it down, but by giving bribes to the guards. This is the danger of gratification, rejecting or reporting it," said Sugiarto.

Meanwhile, the President Commissioner of PG, T. Nugroho Purwanto in his speech said that this activity was a form of the Board of Directors' commitment to honesty and prevention of corruption in the company.

"Within the scope of our work, we may not realize that giving as a form of gratitude is an act of corruption. This is the importance of FGD to increase understanding of corruption," said President Commissioner.

President Commissioner believes that PG employees have high integrity. The spirit of anti-corruption will accompany every step of the human being in the corporation, so that a culture of corruption is not only a discourse.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PG, Dwi Satriyo Annurogo said that the criminal act of corruption can be caused by three factors. Namely, there is pressure or encouragement from internal and external, such as pressure on family needs. Next is opportunity, and attitude of teaching.

"Therefore, no matter how good the system is, we still have to accompany it with a trustworthy person," said the President Director.
