Petrokimia Gresik Won 1st Best Risk Management

09 August 2019 15:22 / PG Public Relation / 6618x viewed

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) gained recognition at the national level for the implementation of risk management in the 2019 III Indonesia Enterprise Risk Management Award. In the event organized by the Economic Review and supported by the Indonesia Asia Institute, PG won the 1st Best Risk Management for SOE subsidiary category. Representing the management, TKP & MR Manager, Moh. Nadhiful Fiqqih was present to receive the award at Nusa Dua Beach Hotel, Bali (03/08/2019).

This award was given for the Risk Management Assessment the jury had obtained from public data during 2018-2019. The winners assessed included private companies, Tbk, BUMN, BUMD, BPD, BPR, and others. In its assessment, the Economic Review was supported by juries, including Dr. Dewi Hanggraeni, SE, MBA, and Dr. Herris B. Simanjuntak, SE, MM.

This implementation of IERMA-III-2019 was the highest award to companies who had successfully carried out risk management, therefore the company performed well, grew and was able to absorb many workforces. In a company, Risk Management is a methodology or process for managing risks starting from the process of identification, measurement, mitigation, and monitoring to achieve the company's goals. Tyok