Petrokimia Gresik Encourages Balanced Fertilization

09 January 2019 07:37 / PG Public Relation / 8383x viewed


Planting Season



Event : Initial Planting

Place : North Lampung Regency

Day / Date : Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

Entering the peak season of rice planting in 2018-2019, PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), again, campaigns for the importance of balanced fertilization. This was conveyed by PG President Director, Rahmad Pribadi, during the initial rice planting event in one hectares field area in Jagang village, Blambangan Pagar, North Lampung regency today, Tuesday (1/8).

Rahmad stated that the balanced fertilization is a provision of a number of fertilizers to reach the sufficient availability of essential nutrients in the soil. It is purposed to fulfil the requirement of essential nutrients, so that productivity can be achieved.

"One of the most important things is the use of organic fertilizers as soil enhancers, which is capable of improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. So that the land can absorb inorganic fertilizers effectively and efficiently", Rahmad said.

Furthermore, Rahmad explained that a balanced fertilization dose used in the demonstration plot (demplot) would be 500 kgs of Petroganik organic fertilizers, 300 kgs of NPK Phonska Plus fertilizers, and 200 kgs of Urea fertilizers, for one hectare of rice fields.

Besides the organic fertilizers for soil, PG also encourages the use of NPK fertilizers to cover the plants nutrients requirements. In this case, Phonska Plus NPK fertilizers, that is a product of retailed 25 kgs non-subsidized fertilizers that PG has marketed since 2016.

"Despite only supplying the important nutrients for plants, such as Nitrogen, Phospor, Potassium, and Sulfur, Phonska Plus also providing Zinc nutrients. It is a micro-nutrient that does not provided in the subsidised NPK Phonska products", Rahmad explained.

The addition of Zinc in Phonska Plus is based on the report of International Fertilizer Association (IFA) which stated that the condition of Indonesia land severely suffers from Zinc difficiency.

"Therefore, this Phonska Plus product is a solution to the land problems that we offer to farmers. Not only being able to increase productivity, Phonska Plus can also be used for restoring the current deficit Zinc nutrients", Rahmad added.

Previously, Petroganik organic fertilizer was also the solution offered by PG based on the report by Center of Bogor Land and Agro-climate, who stated that organic contents on Indonesia land are in deficiency, which is below 2%. In fact, a good land should has a minimum organic matter content at least 5%.

Therefore, Rahmad continued, the company encouraged farmers to, firstly, use a balanced fertilization scheme (organic and inorganic fertilizers). Secondly, take the advatanges of Phonska Plus products to supply the deficit Zinc nutrients. The combination of those two factors is the solution for preserving the environment and simultaneously being able to increase plant productivity.

"By that, the important nutrients content in the soil is maintained, our agriculture can be sustainable or continuous, and in long term, we can support the national food sovereignity", Rahmad explained.

As for pests, PG has two subsidiaries, namely PT Petrokimia Kayaku and PT Petrosida Gresik, who are ready to help as well as provide recommendations and correct solutions for pest control.

In the future, PG will continue to provide products that offer solutions to consumers, both farmers and corporations. Since the company has set its position as a research-based fertilizer producer for agro-industry solutions. At the same time, preparing for the era of fertilizer subsidy scheme change.

"Not only fertilizer products, we also have a variety of products from upstream to downstream. Start from superior seeds to a number of commodities, soil improvement products, fertilizers with various formulation, pest control, organic and biological fertilizers, probiotics for livestocks, decomposers, and many more", Rahmad concluded.

PT Petrokimia Gresik For further information contact:

Corporate Secretary : Yusuf Wibisono

Office : (031) 3981811. Ext. 2218

Mobile : 0811 378 571

Yusuf Wibisono Email :

Corporate Secretary

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