Petani : My role model and My Hero

10 November 2022 10:30 / Corcom of PG / 4307x viewed

A figure who has a huge role in Indonesia's development and resilience is not a well-known figure, nor a person with millions of followers on social media. They are the Penyangga Tatanan Negara Indonesia, aka Petani or farmers.

In the hustle and bustle of today's world, the title of hero should be given to someone who fights bravely to defend the interests of their nation. Farmers are one of them. Often without us realizing it, our primary needs, namely food, cannot be separated from the significant role of farmers. Therefore, for all their services and efforts, farmers deserve to be crowned national food heroes.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo, at the Halal Bihalal Eid Al-Fitr 1443H event on May 10 2022, at the Tri Dharma Sports Facility (SOR) Building, Petrokimia Gresik (PG), East Java, said that for two years hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, agriculture had become one of the sectors which continue to grow among many other sectors that are hampered. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in the second quarter of 2020, the agricultural sector managed to grow by 16.24 per cent. Again, farmers should be our heroes together.

Supporting Farmers

Realizing sovereignty and meeting the increasing need for food every year is difficult. Farmers often encounter challenges ranging from pest attacks to increasingly erratic climate change. In this case, synergy is needed from various parties to participate in guarding and working hand in hand to assist farmers in maintaining food sovereignty. Starting from presenting agro-industry solutions, mentoring, and education to add insight and improve farmers' welfare.

Petrokimia Gresik, as a subsidiary of Pupuk Indonesia, provides not only various fertilizer products to solve various farming problems but also provides complete agro-industry solutions from upstream to downstream, starting from soil repairers, seeds, pesticides and plant medicines, to assistance through soil test cars which spreads in several regions in Indonesia. Petrokimia Gresik, together with Pupuk Indonesia and the Ministry of BUMN (SOE), also presented the Prosperous Program and Agrosolutions to help improve the welfare of farmers through the provision of capital, availability of fertilizers, intense assistance to increase productivity, to bring together off-takers of crop yields, which have more or less improved the lives of farmers.

Supporting and Valuing Farmers

Have any of us ever finished the food we're eating? It may never cross our minds that every food served takes a long time and a lot of effort to get to our plates. Starting with not leaving food, even if it's a small thing and looks trivial, we have appreciated every effort made by the farmers. Buying local fruit and vegetable products is also another way to support farmers in their daily lives.

Everyone has their own way and point of view in choosing and interpreting the meaning of the word hero. It doesn't always have to be a gun/weapon or a pen. Every little thing can be meaningful to describe a hero in the current era. Happy Hero's Day to all Indonesian Farmers!