PBB Award Certificate Received by PG

16 November 2018 14:35 / PG Public Relation / 8693x viewed

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) received an award from Gresik Regional Government for its tax paying example for Land and Building Taxes (PBB) prior to the 2018 Model Month PBB Tax Payment, Gresik Region. The award certificate was given by the Gresik Regent, Sambari Halim Radianto, to PG Staff of Department of Finance, Mardiyono, in Harris Hotel, Malang, November 13th, 2018.

Giving this award is expected to be able to motivate the taxpayers to always be obedient in paying the taxes.

Regent of Gresik revealed, taxpayers revenue in rural level during 2018 had reached 134 billion rupiahs. While the company PBB tax value now, has been realized up to 103 billion rupiahs compared to the total target of 106 billion rupiahs up to December 2018.

"We on behalf of the Gresik Regional Government expressed our gratitude to all of Gresik people, from rural level and companies, who have been participating in developing Gresik Region through the obligation of tax payment", Gresik Regent, Sambari Halim Radianto said. Hartono (processed from various sources)

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