Petrokimia Gresik Employees, Amplifying Pancasila as the Foundation of 'AKHLAK' (Moral Values)

01 June 2022 11:30 / Corcom of PG / 4008x viewed

Indonesia commemorates the Birth of Pancasila every 1st of June. The term Pancasila was introduced at the meeting of the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Investigation Agency (BPUPKI) or Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai. Through a long history, the establishment of Pancasila has become the foundation of the state. It is defined in the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945). Pancasila is an ideology and the foundation of the Indonesian, which forms the basis of all national decisions and reflects the personality of the Indonesian nation. The literal meaning of Pancasila is the points that the nation's founders sparked with the aim that Indonesia would have a strong foundation in running the government. The existence of Pancasila, Indonesia has a basis or foundation in the state so that it is not easily influenced and colonized by other nations. The basis of the Indonesian state is symbolized by Garuda, where there are images of stars, chains, banyan trees, bullheads, rice and cotton, which reflect the meaning of the five points of Pancasila.

Realizing the importance of the role of Pancasila for the Indonesian nation, the Minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir, designed AKHLAK as shared core values ​​for the Ministry of BUMN, BUMN, and BUMN Subsidiaries. AKHLAK itself is formed through the meaning of the five precepts of Pancasila, which are the foundation of the core values ​​of AKHLAK. Many embodiments of noble values ​​in the context of work culture are passed down through AKHLAK's core values ​​in all state-owned companies, one of which is Petrokimia Gresik. This AKHLAK value has been applied to all Gresik Petrochemical Personnel, individually and collectively. Petrokimia Gresik also has a vision, namely "To Become a Highly Competitive Manufacturer of Fertilizers and Other Chemical Products and Their Products Are Most Attracted by Consumers", supported by the mission of Petrokimia Gresik, namely "Supporting Fertilizer Supply and Increasing Business Results and Developing Company-Owned Business Potential".

AKHLAK, a value at Petrokimia Gresik, is an acronym for Amanah (Trustworthy), Kompeten (Competent), Harmonis (Harmony), Loyal (Loyal), Adaptif (Adaptive), and Kolaboratif (Collaborative). These six words have significant meanings, and their content is similar to what is contained in the values ​​of Pancasila.

Amanah (Trustworthy)

Maintain the trust given and be responsible for authority and obligations, be consistent between words and deeds and comply with the regulations that apply in the company.

Kompeten (Competent/Capable)

Continue to learn and develop capabilities in improving self-competence to respond to ever-changing challenges, complete tasks of the highest quality, and manage time in completing work.

Harmonis (Harmony)

Caring for and valuing the differences of everyone regardless of background and building a conducive work environment.

Loyal (Loyal)

Committed and prioritized the interests of the nation and state as well as maintaining the good name of fellow employees, BUMN leaders and the state.

Adaptif (Adaptive)

Continue to innovate and be enthusiastic in moving or dealing with change so that you quickly adapt to be better.

Kolaboratif (Collaborative)

Build synergistic cooperation and provide opportunities for various parties to contribute to delivering better results.

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