Maintaining ‘Silaturahmi’ (Good Relationships), The Board of Directors of Petrokimia Gresik Routs a Halal Bihalal Tour

16 May 2022 09:00 / Corcom of PG / 3152x viewed

It would feel incomplete if post-Eid Al-Fitr didn't visit the homes of partners and relatives. For decades, Silaturahmi (Friendly Bonding) has had a strong meaning in society with a culture of homecoming, returning to their hometown. In the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KKBI), Silaturahmi (Friendly Bonding) is a form of good friendship. Usually, Silaturahmi activities in Indonesia are carried out in a series of Halal Bihalal events.

Another interesting thing about 'silaturahmi' is how this activity can increase a sense of togetherness, like the feelings of humans who always want to be together and cannot live alone. Like Petrokimia Gresik when it held the Halal Bihalal with all employees from May 9 to 10, with special guests, namely the Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

Afterward, all the directors of Petrokimia Gresik did a Halal Bihalal tour of the residence of the retired directors. Some of them are J. Pudjiharto (Retired Director of Technology), Sri Widodo (Retired Director of Production), M. Husein (Retired Director of Technology), Bambang Tjahjono (Retired Director of Marketing), Aan Ruskanda Furqon (Retired Director of Technology), Surahmad Sukardis (Retired Director of Industrial Relations) and Koeshartono (Retired Director of HR & General Affairs).

Halal bihalal is an actual manifestation of unity and diversity. Therefore, the implementation of halal bihalal does not only have religious values but also becomes a place that can unite and maintain friendships. Regardless of the current affairs and busyness, the willingness of all parties to participate in the halal bihalal event is evidence that this tradition is inherent in Indonesia. (*/MIR/WA)