Welcoming Ramadan, PG Prepares 909 Thousand Tons Subsidized Fertilizers Stocks

07 May 2019 00:00 / PG Public Relation / 5558x viewed




Location : Gresik

Day / Date : Monday, May 6th, 2019

Entering the month of Ramadan 1440H, PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), has prepared 909 thousand tons subsidized fertilizer stocks or five times higher than the government minimum stocks provisions (171 thousand tons).

PG Public Relations Manager Muhammad Ihwan, stated that the subsidized fertilizer stock consists of of Urea amounting to 121 thousand tons, ZA 150 thousand tons, SP-36 188 thousand tons, NPK Phonska 359 thousand tons, and Petroganik 91 thousand tons.

"Beginning May 2019, or the month of Ramadan 1440H, some regions have experienced gadu planting season or planting season before the dry season. For that, we make sure on ramadan, the distribution of subsidized fertilizers continues as usual", Ihwan said.

The Ministry of Agriculture through the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation No.47/208 sets the allocation of national subsidized fertilizers amounting to 8.87 million tons to PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). Of these, PG gets distribution allocation of 5.2 million tons. The rest, will be distributed by other fertilizer producers members of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) holding.

"As of April 30th, 2019, we have distributed 1.83 million tons or 103% of Petrokimia Gresik allocation during the first quarter or January to April 2019", Ihwan said.

Furthermore, Ihwan, again, invited farmers to be able to follow the dosage or recommendation of balanced fertilization, so that agricultural yields can achieve optimal and efficient productivity during fertilizers application.

"Balanced fertilization is very important due to its proven recommendation and able to increase yields of 1-2 tons per hectare with the most efficient fertilizer application, so farmers can save more on their fertilizers", Ihwan said.

As for specific fertilizer recommendation, farmers can discuss with the local agricultural services extension officers. Additionally, PG also has Soil Test Cars mainly used for testing the soil fertility. Farmers can bring samples of their land and staffs will examine, analyze, and provide appropriate fertilizers recommendations more specifically, both site-specific and commodity-specific.

"These cars have been launched since 2015 and are mobile in their respective area. Currently, there are 4 units covering the area of Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, NTB and NTT", Ihwan explained.

Ihwan further explained that in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers, the company is referring to Ministry of Agriculture Regulations (Permentan), Decree of Agriculture Provincial Office, and Regency/City as well. The company distributes the subsidized fertilizer by strictly implementing the principle of 6 Corrects, which are Correct Place, Correct Price, Correct Amount, Correct Quality, Correct Type, and Correct Time.

"This distribution was escorted by 77 Regional Sales Representative Staffs (SPDP) and 323 SPDP assistants throughout the country. We have 305 buffer warehouses distribution facilities with total capacity of 1.4 million tons, 652 distributors, and 28,228 official kiosks", Ihwan said.

Regarding with the supervision, Ihwan said that the company through SPDP staffs is always striving to improve the coordination with related parties. Starting from Distributors, Agriculture Office, Commission of Fertilizers and Pesticides Supervision (KP3), Field Agricultural Extension Officers (PPL), Army, and law enforcement officers. The community can also participate in supervising the subsidized fertilizer distribution.

"If people find fraud or fake fertilizers distribution, just directly report to the authorities", Ihwan strictly stated.

Farmers are also asked to be more aware regarding with the distribution of fake and artificial fertilizers. Ihwan also warns to the distributors of fake or artificial fertilizer producers to immediately stop and/or withdraw their products from market, and destroy all fake fertilizers to avoid law jurisdiction, both criminal and civil, both in terms of overall product resemblance and similarities in principle.

"PG is a subsidiary fertilizer producer of PT Pupuk Indonesia, which has exclusive rights over subsidized fertilizer trademarks and has been legally registered in General Register of Trademarks in Directorate of Trademarks, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia", Ihwan concluded.

PT Petrokimia Gresik

Muhammad Ihwan F

Public Relations Manager

For further information contact:

Public Relations Manager: Muhmmad Ihwan F

Office: (031) 3981811, Ext. 2152

Mobile: 0812 8877 5758




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