Petrokimia Gresik Achieves Two Awards at Jampiro #6

13 September 2020 09:03 / PG Public Relation / 4522x viewed

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) achieved 2 (two) prestigious national level awards at the Indonesian PR Jamboree (Jampiro) #6 2020 organized by PR Indonesia Magazine. In the judging which was held in mid-August 2020 in Jakarta, Rahmad Pribadi, the President Director of PG (31 October 2018-25 August 2020) was named the Most Popular Leader on Social Media 2020 for the Category of CEO of SOE Subsidiaries.

Rahmad Pribadi is currently switching duties as the President Director of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, and has been replaced by Dwi Satriyo Annurogo as the President Director of PT Petrokimia Gresik since August 25, 2020.

The award was also given to the Superintendent of the Media Section of the PG Public Relations Department, Edri Gasyaf who won the Gold Winner for Indonesian PR 2020, Category Manager Public Relations.

Asmono Wikan, CEO of PR Indonesia Magazine said, Jampiro is a forum for meeting up PR practitioners and communities from the student level (Rookie Stars), beginner PR (Icon PR), book writer (Fellowship), senior PR practitioners (PR Person), to best communicators (CEOs of organizations, corporations, and regions).

This event is the single most comprehensive public relations / PR practitioner competition event in Indonesia, and is one of the barometers of competency and performance of public relations practitioners. The jury included Asmono Wikan (founder and CEO of PR INDONESIA Group), Elizabeth Goenawan Ananto (founder of EGA briefings and PR INDONESIA Guru), Jojo S. Nugroho (Chairperson of APPRI and Managing Director of IMOGEN PR).

The Online Ceremony PR Indonesia Jamboree Awarding #6 2020 was held live through the PR INDONESIA Magazine YouTube channel (09/09/20), with the theme "Advancing in the New Normal Era". (Hartono)

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