Petrokimia Gresik Achieves Two Awards in Anugerah BUMN 2020

10 July 2020 16:47 / PG Public Relation / 6046x viewed

PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG) successfully won 2 (two) prestigious awards in the “Anugerah BUMN 2020 Award” event which was held by BUMN Track. Both awards were won by PG in the Corporate Category - SOE Subsidiary (Non Tbk), as the Best Organizational Transformation I (first), and the Best Human Resources Development (second). The award was received directly by the President Director of PG, Rahmad Pribadi at the “9th Anugerah BUMN 2020” event at The Maj Senayan, Jakarta (09/07/20).

BUMN 2020 Award is an event to appreciate the contribution of SOE that has shown superior performance and is able to compete at the national and global level.

The evaluation criteria for the “Anugerah BUMN 2020 Award”, which has the theme "SOE as the Locomotive of the National Economy in Global Competition," is focused on the performance of the SOE corporation and SOE Subsidiary throughout 2019. There were total number 107 companies of participants who passed the interview and presentation stages in front of the Judges this activity. Hartono