PG People Must Be Able To Answer Challenges

30 November 2018 10:19 / PG Public Relation / 6635x viewed

"Farewell and Welcoming Night of President Director of PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG)" took place in Mojopahit Room, 2nd Floor PG Head Office, November 29, 2018. The event, which was full of intimacy, was attended by Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Grade I and II officials.

Nugroho Christijanto, who since October 26, 2018 changed his job as Director of Business Transformation at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), admitted that he was grateful since at the time of changing assignments, PG was ready to be 'run' by the new PG President Director, Rahmad Pribadi.

According to him, the regional, national and international achievements and awards achieved by PG, especially in the 2016-2018 period, were the result of the collaboration of all PG personnel, including Rahmad Pribadi who had served as Director of Human Resources and General Affairs in 2016-2017.

"All PG employees must support Mr Rahmad Pribadi as PG' President Director, so that the company can be even better”, Nugroho Christijanto said.

PG President Director, Rahmad Pribadi, expressed his appreciation to Nugroho Christijanto who has served for 26 years with full dedication. "The achievements made by Mr Nugroho Christijanto are proof of extraordinary professionalism and dedication”, he said.

The President Director also congratulated Nugroho Christijanto for his new assignment as Director of Business Transformation at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). According to him, Nugroho Christijanto will continue to be part of the PG family.

PG President Director, Rahmad Pribadi claimed when having the job back at PG, feels like going home. According to him, PG personnel are very pleasant and friendly, therefore making PG feels like home.

Furthermore, the President Director said that PG currently faces many challenges, and some of the challenges have been resolved by Nugroho Christijanto. However, challenges will always be there, and they must be answered with optimism, and being included in the 2019 transformation program.

According to the President Director, the essence of transformation is not to repeat success, but to make a new better future. "With transformation, we can maintain sustainable success. PG personnel must be able to answer the challenges. I hope for the support from all colleagues”, he said.

He believes that life is like how you see it. If you see it difficult, then the world will be difficult. And vice versa. Likewise with the transformation process, if you see it easily, everything will be easy too.

Meanwhile, the President Commissioner of PG, M Djohan Safri, revealed that Nugroho Christijanto was a smart figure. Many complicated problems are easily explained by him. Proven by many achievements he got.

The president commissioner said that the new assignment carried out by Nugroho Christijanto would be even harder. But with the experience that has been experienced, he believes Nugroho Christijanto can carry out the mandate well.

The president commissioner also hopes that Rahmad Pribadi will carry out his duties as good as possible, especially when there are many challenges that must be faced. "In 2018, there are only a few weeks left, the performance of the Board of Directors until October has run quite well and is expected to continue well until the end of the year”, he concluded. * / Hartono