Want To Help The Company in Covid-19 Contagion Prevention

14 April 2020 10:45 / PG Public Relation / 5890x viewed

The Chairperson of Committee of General Chairman and General Secretary Election of Petrokimia Gresik Employees Organization (SKPG) for the 2020-2023 Period, Moh. Samsul Huda, set the candidate of number 2 (two), Iwan Febrianto and Taufiq Fannani, as the Winner of the SKPG’s General Chairman and General Secretary 2020-2023.

This determination is based on online direct selection results through the Petrostar digital application (07/04/2020). From a total of 2.216 voters, Candidate number 1 (one), Abdul Rohman Wachid-Mahendra Sukisna got 916 or 41.34% of the vote. While Iwan Febrianto-Taufiq Fannani got 1.300 or 58.66% of the vote.

Through Whatsapp's message to the editor, Iwan expressed his gratitude to all those who supported him until he was elected as the SKPG General Chairperson 2020-2023.

"We ended the contestation in direct selection yesterday, now is the time for reconciliation for a greater purpose. We continue the organization’s struggle in SMART ways, hopefully bringing new hope to all of us, "said Iwan, who started working at Petrokimia Gresik since 2008.

In the middle of the current conditions, the SKPG's most important program is to contribute significantly in helping companies combat the spread of Covid-19. SKPG must support the company's performance, in order to survive, and with maximum performance.

Furthermore, Iwan revealed that he was motivated to be the candidate of SKPG General Chairman, because he feels that Petrokimia Gresik had given him the opportunity to grow and develop. For this reason, Iwan wants to be able to contribute more and more to the progress of the company as an agroindustry solution for sustainable agriculture.

"The point is we want to be a useful person for Petrokimia Gresik and others," he said.

Now, the SKPG General Chairperson 2020-2023, Iwan Febrianto in his daily work is as Superintendent of Planning and Control, Maintenance Department III A. While Secretary General SKPG 2020-2023, Taufiq Fannani as Head of Team at the Production Department II B. Hartono