10 January 2019 15:26 / PG Public Relation / 7695x viewed




Event : Dialogue with Shallots Farmers

Place : Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu.

Day / Date : Thursday, January 10th, 2019

After the initial plantation and dialogue with rice farmers in Jagang Village, Blambangan Pagar, North Lampung District, Wednesday (9/1) today, the President Director of PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), Rahmad Pribadi, again, to meet farmers in one of the largest horticulture centers in southern Sumatra, that is Sambirejo village, Selepu Rejang, Rejang Lebong district, Bengkulu, Thursday (10/1).

On that occasion, Rahmad stated that PG would continue to support horticulture farmers in Bengkulu through series of products and services which the company has. Since PG is eager to offer solutions to increase agricultural productivity, starting from soil improvement products, fertilizers, and pest control.

"We wish to offer solutions to farmers. The goal is a high agricultural productivity, so that the farmers’ wealth can increase”, Rahmad said.

This visit was a preparation for the onion harvest on an area as large as 700m2 that belongs to Loh Jinawi farmer group. For the fertilization, local farmers have implemented balanced fertilizer recommended by PG, which was 800 kgs Petroganik organic fertilizers, 500 kgs of NPK Phonska Plus, and 300 kgs of ZA fertilizer.

Furthermore, Rahmad explained that along with a correct agricultural technology supervision, including the use of good quality fertilizers, should yield good quality agricultural products as well.

Therefore, the crops could be sold at a good price or become qualified ingredients for the agro-industry sectors.

"So in addition to providing solutions to farmers, range of products and services we have, we hope that we can also offer solutions for agro-industries through qualified agricultural products", Rahmad explained.

Meanwhile Edy, a local shallots farmer, mentioned that he had already used NPK Phonska Plus for the past year. He claimed his agricultural crops were much better than before.

"The fruits are better, bigger, and I can harvest on 10 days faster”, he said.

Encouraging Promotion

Regarding to NPK Phonska Plus, Rahmad explained that this non-subsidized product would be greatly promoted as part of the company's business transformation strategy. Given the fact that currently, issues on changing the fertilizer subsidy scheme is getting stronger.

Since its first launching in the end of 2016, NPK Phonska Plus recorded a fairly good sales realization. In 2017, sales were reported at 49 thousand tonnes and in 2018, it was sold 50 thousand tonnes.

"Therefore, in 2019, we set the target sales at 70 thousand tonnes and we are very optimistic that this target will be achieved", Rahmad said.

The main target of Phonska plus NPK marketing, Rahmad continued, is the regions that have high uptake of NPK fertilizers or have not been included in the subsidized fertilizer scheme.

"Those regions are agricultural centers in several districts of a number of provinces, such as North Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, Central Java, East Java and South Sulawesi", Rahmad concluded.

PT Petrokimia Gresik

Yusuf Wibisono

Corporate Secretary

For further information contact:

Corporate Secretary : Yusuf Wibisono

Office : (031) 3981811. Ext. 2218. Mobile: 0811 378 571

Email :,

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