ZA Plus

Petro ZA Plus effective to stimulate the growth of the number of tillers, plant height and number of leaves. In addition, it is able to improve the quality of crop yields by improving the color, aroma, taste, and size of the fruit/tuber; and make plants more resistant to pests or diseases.

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ZA Plus


  • Minimum nitrogen 20.8%
  • sulfur at least 23.8%
  • Water content up to 1%
  • Maximum free acid level as H2SO4 0.1%
  • Crystal shape
  • White color
  • Orange for subsidized ZA
  • Packed in bags with Golden Buffalo contents of 50 kg

Benefits of Nutrient Sulfur (S) and Nitrogen (N)

  • Memiliki kandungan unsur hara makro N dan S, sera unsur hara mikro Zn yang tersedia bagi tanaman
  • Memacu pertumbuhan jumlah anakan, tinggi tanaman, dan jumlah daun
  • Memacu pembentukan klorofil sehingga daun nampak lebih hijau
  • meningkatkan mutu hasil panen dengan memperbaiki warna, aroma, rasa, dan besar buah/umbi
  • Meningkatkan kesuburan tanaman sehingga lebih tahan terhadap serangan hama penyakit


Getting ZA Plus fertilizer is now easier
by contacting our sales partners or
through the official store of PT Petrokimia Gresik on the Marketplace.